Unit tests are a good thing. Good developers recoil in horror when they see a failing unit test. They should drop everything until the test has been fixed. ...
6 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
28865 NEW --- enh Sisyphus vim-X11 glebfm zerg Зависит от menu
44628 NEW --- nor Sisyphus vim-X11 admsasha ancieg Не применился перевод кнопки в меню Правка
45277 NEW --- nor Sisyphus vim-X11 glebfm belayaav Опечатка в некоторых диалоговых окнах gvim
45280 NEW --- nor Sisyphus vim-X11 glebfm belayaav У некоторых диалоговых окон gvim нет заголовков
46558 NEW --- nor Sisyphus vim-X11 glebfm kostevichae Некорректное поведение окна gvim
46559 NEW --- nor Sisyphus vim-X11 glebfm kostevichae Не работает Scrollbar в gvim

File a new bug in the "vim-X11" component of the "Sisyphus" product