Name: ELFkickers Version: 3.2 Release: alt1 Summary: The collection of programs that deal with ELF files License: GPL-2.0-or-later Group: Development/Other Url: Packager: Alexander Lubyagin Source: %name-%version.tar Patch1: alt-std-install-dir.patch BuildRequires: make gcc %description The distribution includes: * sstrip: a small utility that removes a few bytes from an executable that strip leaves behind. * objres: a "compiler" for including arbitrary binary resources in object files. * elftoc: a program that takes an ELF file and generates C code that defines a struct with the same memory image, using the structs and preprocessor symbols defined in . * elfls: a utility that displays an ELF file's program and/or section header tables, which serve as a kind of global roadmap to the file's contents. * rebind: a small utility that alters the binding of selected symbols in an object file. * ebfc: a compiler for a tiny programming language. The compiler can generate ELF executables, object files, and shared libraries. * infect: an example of how to modify an executable without affecting its original program. %prep %setup %patch1 -p0 %build make %install mkdir -p %buildroot/%_man1dir mkdir -p %buildroot/%_bindir install -m644 doc/* %{buildroot}%{_man1dir}/ install -m755 bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ %files %_bindir/* %_man1dir/* %changelog * Thu Mar 14 2024 Alexander Lubyagin 3.2-alt1 - 3.2