Sound play is chopped in GStreamer applications (totem, rhythmbox) as of gstreamer-alsa-0.8.9-alt1. 'aplay' plays audio files without defects in the same system.
amarok plays fine with xine engine. I don';t remember about gstreamer/oss gstreamer/alsa plays choppy with mp3 files with frequency 32, 24 - not 44,1 default. Hardware: Intel 855GM Centrino, AC'97 sound, intel-8x0 kernel module. Let's compare more details ?
I have a Terratec DMX 6fire 24/96 (ice1712). I don't think the hardware is at fault though, as aplay and xine seem to have no problems.
i asked somewhere on our lists - does GStreamer utilize libalsa, which contains a database of sound card features? I got no answer :-) But it is my hypothesis, that sound is choppy, when frequency of sound stream does not match some 'natural' freq. of sound card - and GStreamer does not do any requantization. It is only a hypothesis. Did You note some common conditions when sound is choppy and when it is not ?
(In reply to comment #3) > Did You note some common conditions when sound is choppy and when it is not ? It's always choppy when played via GStreamer from all apps using it, and it's not choppy when a test .wav is played via aplay (which uses only alsa libs). Also, when the GStreamer sound output is switched to OSS in the GNOME GStreamer settings dialog, a test sound can be played OK. But Rhythmbox and Totem fail to play via OSS, popping up an error.
It's mine now.
повторяется - sound is choppy in amarok. но и в aplay при выводе через dmix тоже. mplayer играет через dmix нормально.
(In reply to comment #7) > Судя по тому что написано в их мантисе, баг уже давно исправлен.