При настройке сервиса скриптом setup-ds.pl на этапе импорта данных происходит крах. 08/01/26:16:35:09] - [Setup] Info Creating directory server . . . [08/01/26:16:35:10] - [Setup] Info Could not import LDIF file '/tmp/ldifARBO04.ldif'. Error: 256. Output: importing data ... [26/Jan/2008:16:35:09 +0300] - Netscape Portable Runtime error -5977: /usr/lib64/fedora-ds/plugins/libcollation-plugin.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [26/Jan/2008:16:35:10 +0300] - Could not open library "/usr/lib64/fedora-ds/plugins/libcollation-plugin.so" for plugin Internationalization Plugin [26/Jan/2008:16:35:10 +0300] - The plugin entry [cn=Internationalization Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config] in the configfile /etc/fedora-ds/slapd-pdc/dse.ldif was invalid [26/Jan/2008:16:35:10 +0300] startup - The configuration files in directory /etc/fedora-ds/slapd-pdc could not be read or were not found. Please refer to the error log or output for more information. [08/01/26:16:35:10] - [Setup] Fatal Error: Could not create directory server instance 'pdc'. [08/01/26:16:35:10] - [Setup] Fatal Exiting . . . Steps to Reproduce: версия fedora-ds-1.1.0-alt1
alt2 ушло в сизиф