Until 3.53.0-alt1 the NSS legacy db type(DBM) support was enabled by default. The switching to upstream's build script resulted in 'NSS_DISABLE_DBM' was pulled to ON state while the previous one was OFF. Several clients of NSS became broken. For example, FreeIPA, Certmonger, DogTag PKI. Generally, they should handle such a problem, but they don't for now. Of course, the corresponding fixes are required. I proposed to temporarily add '--enable-legacy-db'(NSS build.sh) to allow DBM db. Another example: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1827902
nss-3.53.0-alt2 -> sisyphus: Mon Jun 08 2020 Alexey Gladkov <legion@altlinux.ru> 3.53.0-alt2 - Enable NSS legacy DBM type (ALT#38590).