Bug 44480 - При установке пакета создавать пустой /etc/hasplm/nethasp.ini, если в системе такого файла ещё нет.
Summary: При установке пакета создавать пустой /etc/hasplm/nethasp.ini, если в системе...
Alias: None
Product: Sisyphus
Classification: Development
Component: haspd (show other bugs)
Version: unstable
Hardware: x86 Linux
: P5 normal
Assignee: Vitaly Lipatov
QA Contact: qa-sisyphus
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-11-29 06:19 MSK by Andrey
Modified: 2023-04-22 01:46 MSK (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Andrey 2022-11-29 06:19:55 MSK
Сразу после установки пакета и запуска демона в лог (/var/hasplm/*.log) сыпятся сообщения об ошибках.

    FQDN is '<censored>'
    Limit NPROC at soft 127692 and hard 127692
    Limit NOFILE at soft 4096 and hard 524288
    Local timezone is '<censored>', bias <censored> seconds
    Startup UTC time is <censored>
    Startup local time is <censored>, daylight is not active
    Server startup using Admin LM 22.0 build 84151 32 bit
    Unknown section specification 'TRUST' in file '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'proxy_password' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'proxy_username' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'proxy_port' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'proxy_host' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'proxy' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'id_public_addr' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Invalid value 'anyone', using default '1' in entry 'accessfromremote' in file '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'autodetachhours' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'enableautodetach' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'identity_storage_encrypt' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'privatekey' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini'
    Unrecognized entry 'certificate' in '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini' 

После создания заглушки (# touch /etc/hasplm/nethasp.ini) сообщения об ошибках пропадают:

    FQDN is '<censored>'
    Limit NPROC at soft 127707 and hard 127707
    Limit NOFILE at soft 4096 and hard 524288
    Local timezone is '<censored>', bias <censored> seconds
    Startup UTC time is <censored>
    Startup local time is <censored>, daylight is not active
    Server startup using Admin LM 22.0 build 84151 32 bit
    Reading configuration file '/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini' 

По наводке из группы в телеграме: https://t.me/alt_linux/237141
Comment 1 Repository Robot 2023-04-22 01:46:52 MSK
eepm-3.52.3-alt1 -> sisyphus:

 Fri Apr 21 2023 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru> 3.52.3-alt1
 - epm repack aksusbd: create empty /etc/hasplm/nethasp.ini (ALT bug 44480)
 - epm play: net.downloadhelper.coapp
 - epm print: fix: check if file is real package
 - epm update: check for new Korinf version not with eepm from stable ALT branches
 - epm ei: do nothing on stable ALT branches