# journalctl -xeu pdns.service ░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel ░░ ░░ Процесс остановки юнита pdns.service был завершен. мар 16 11:34:21 education-10-x86-64-kde-20220314.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting PowerDNS Authoritative Server... ░░ Subject: Начинается запуск юнита pdns.service ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel ░░ ░░ Начат процесс запуска юнита pdns.service. мар 16 11:34:22 education-10-x86-64-kde-20220314.localdomain pdns_server[4381]: Loading '/usr/lib64/pdns/libbindbackend.so' мар 16 11:34:22 education-10-x86-64-kde-20220314.localdomain pdns_server[4381]: This is a standalone pdns мар 16 11:34:22 education-10-x86-64-kde-20220314.localdomain pdns_server[4381]: Listening on controlsocket in '/var/run/pdns.controlsocket' мар 16 11:34:22 education-10-x86-64-kde-20220314.localdomain pdns_server[4381]: Unable to bind UDP socket to '': Address already in use мар 16 11:34:22 education-10-x86-64-kde-20220314.localdomain pdns_server[4381]: Fatal error: Unable to bind to UDP socket мар 16 11:34:22 education-10-x86-64-kde-20220314.localdomain systemd[1]: pdns.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE ░░ Subject: Unit process exited ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel ░░ ░░ An ExecStart= process belonging to unit pdns.service has exited. ░░ ░░ The process' exit code is 'exited' and its exit status is 1. мар 16 11:34:22 education-10-x86-64-kde-20220314.localdomain systemd[1]: pdns.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. ░░ Subject: Unit failed ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel ░░ ░░ The unit pdns.service has entered the 'failed' state with result 'exit-code'. мар 16 11:34:22 education-10-x86-64-kde-20220314.localdomain systemd[1]: Failed to start PowerDNS Authoritative Server. ░░ Subject: Ошибка юнита pdns.service ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel ░░ ░░ Произошел сбой юнита pdns.service. ░░ ░░ Результат: failed.