%define beta pre4 Name: wmcpuload Version: 1.1.0 Release: alt0%beta Summary: WindowMaker DockApp that displays current CPU usage License: GPL Group: Graphical desktop/Window Maker Url: http://www.sh.rim.or.jp/~ssato/dockapp/#wmcpuload Packager: Alexey Voinov Source0: %name-%version%beta.tar.gz Source1: %name.menu Patch: %name-1.1.0pre4-alt-warnings-fix.patch Provides: WMCPULoad >= 1.0.0-alt1 Obsoletes: WMCPULoad >= 1.0.0-alt1 # Automatically added by buildreq on Thu Dec 08 2005 BuildRequires: xorg-x11-devel %description WMCPULoad is a program to monitor CPU usage. It is a dockapp that is supported by X window managers such as Window Maker, AfterStep, BlackBox, and Enlightenment. It dispalys the current usage, expressed as a percentile and a graph, and has an LCD look-alike user interface. The back-light may be turned on/off by clicking the mouse button over the application. If the CPU usage hits a certain threshold, an alarm-mode will alart you by turning on back-light. %prep %setup -q -n %name-%version%beta %__patch -p1 -i %PATCH0 %build %add_optflags -Werror %configure --with-x %make_build --no-print-directory --silent %install %make_install --no-print-directory --silent DESTDIR=%buildroot install %__install -pD -m 644 %SOURCE1 %buildroot%_menudir/%name %__install -pD -m 644 icons/%name-16x16.xpm %buildroot%_miconsdir/%name.xpm %__install -pD -m 644 icons/%name-32x32.xpm %buildroot%_iconsdir/%name.xpm %__install -pD -m 644 icons/%name-48x48.xpm %buildroot%_liconsdir/%name.xpm %post %update_menus %postun %clean_menus %files %doc README NEWS TODO AUTHORS ChangeLog THANKS %_bindir/* %_man1dir/* %_menudir/* %_iconsdir/*/* %_iconsdir/%name.xpm %changelog * Thu Dec 08 2005 php-coder 1.1.0-alt0pre4 - Rename package to wmcpuload (lower case) - Moved files from /usr/X11R6 to /usr - Updated BuildRequires - Install all icons from package - Updated %%description (taked from package) - Changed menu file - Added Url (#8510) - Runing make with --no-print-directory and --silent options to make terminal output cleanly - Added patch which fixes all warnings from compiler - Using -Werror flag for compiler by default - Removed INSTALL file and added THANKS file - Spec cleanup * Sun Sep 14 2003 Alexey Voinov 1.0.1-alt2 - buildreq updated * Mon Mar 10 2003 Alexey Voinov 1.0.1-alt1 - new version (1.0.1) * Sat Oct 05 2002 Alexey Voinov 1.0.0-alt1 - new version (1.0.0) - spec cleanup - iname defined (don't want to change package name still) * Fri Jun 8 2001 Alexey Voinov - menu rearranged * Thu May 3 2001 Alexey Voinov - initial build