vulkaninfo - Summarize Vulkan information in relation to the current environment. USAGE: vulkaninfo --summary vulkaninfo -o | --output vulkaninfo -j | -j= | --json | --json= vulkaninfo --text vulkaninfo --html vulkaninfo --show-formats vulkaninfo --show-tool-props OPTIONS: [-h, --help] Print this help. [--summary] Show a summary of the instance and GPU's on a system. [-o , --output ] Print output to a new file whose name is specified by filename. File will be written to the current working directory. [--text] Produce a text version of vulkaninfo output to stdout. This is the default output. [--html] Produce an html version of vulkaninfo output, saved as "vulkaninfo.html" in the directory in which the command is run. [-j, --json] Produce a json version of vulkaninfo output conforming to the Vulkan Profiles schema, saved as "VP_VULKANINFO_[DEVICE_NAME]_[DRIVER_VERSION].json" of the first gpu in the system. [-j=, --json=] For a multi-gpu system, a single gpu can be targetted by specifying the gpu-number associated with the gpu of interest. This number can be determined by running vulkaninfo without any options specified. [--show-tool-props] Show the active VkPhysicalDeviceToolPropertiesEXT that vulkaninfo finds. [--show-formats] Display the format properties of each physical device. Note: This only affects text output.