resolved /dev/sdh1 to device /dev/sdh1 Checking for device '/dev/sdh1' in '/etc/fstab' mount point to be used: /media/tmp no iocharset given, current locale encoding is cp1251 no iocharset given, using libnatspec: cp1251 Cleaning lock directory /var/lock/pmount/_dev_sdh1 Checking for device '/dev/sdh1' in '/etc/mtab' Checking for device '/dev/sdh1' in '/proc/mounts' device_whitelist: checking /etc/pmount.allow... device_whitlisted(): nothing matched, returning 0 find_sysfs_device: looking for sysfs directory for device 8:113 find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram0 (1:0) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram1 (1:1) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram2 (1:2) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram3 (1:3) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram4 (1:4) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram5 (1:5) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram6 (1:6) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram7 (1:7) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram8 (1:8) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram9 (1:9) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram10 (1:10) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram11 (1:11) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram12 (1:12) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram13 (1:13) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram14 (1:14) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/ram15 (1:15) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/hda (3:0) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/sda (8:0) find_sysfs_device: major device numbers match find_sysfs_device: minor device numbers do not match, checking partitions... find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:0 find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:1 find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d0 (48:0) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d1 (48:8) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d2 (48:16) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d3 (48:24) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d4 (48:32) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d5 (48:40) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d6 (48:48) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d7 (48:56) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d8 (48:64) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d9 (48:72) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d10 (48:80) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d11 (48:88) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d12 (48:96) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d13 (48:104) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d14 (48:112) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d15 (48:120) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d16 (48:128) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d17 (48:136) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d18 (48:144) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d19 (48:152) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d20 (48:160) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d21 (48:168) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d22 (48:176) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d23 (48:184) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d24 (48:192) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d25 (48:200) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d26 (48:208) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d27 (48:216) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d28 (48:224) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d29 (48:232) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d30 (48:240) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/rd!c0d31 (48:248) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/sdb (8:16) find_sysfs_device: major device numbers match find_sysfs_device: minor device numbers do not match, checking partitions... find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:16 find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:17 find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:18 find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:19 find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:20 find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:21 find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:22 find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:23 find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:24 find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/fd0 (2:0) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/hdc (22:0) find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/sdc (8:32) find_sysfs_device: major device numbers match find_sysfs_device: minor device numbers do not match, checking partitions... find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:32 find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/sdd (8:48) find_sysfs_device: major device numbers match find_sysfs_device: minor device numbers do not match, checking partitions... find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:48 find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/sde (8:64) find_sysfs_device: major device numbers match find_sysfs_device: minor device numbers do not match, checking partitions... find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:64 find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/sdf (8:80) find_sysfs_device: major device numbers match find_sysfs_device: minor device numbers do not match, checking partitions... find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:80 find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/sdg (8:96) find_sysfs_device: major device numbers match find_sysfs_device: minor device numbers do not match, checking partitions... find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:96 find_sysfs_device: checking whether /dev/sdh1 is on /sys/block/sdh (8:112) find_sysfs_device: major device numbers match find_sysfs_device: minor device numbers do not match, checking partitions... find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:112 find_sysfs_device: checking whether device /dev/sdh1 matches partition 8:113 find_sysfs_device: -> partition matches, belongs to block device /sys/block/sdh device_removable: could not find a sysfs device for /dev/sdh1 policy check failed