#!/bin/bash if [ -f /etc/fstab -a ! -z /etc/fstab ] then cp -f /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig if [ $? != 0 ] then echo "Error making reserve copy of fstab. Stopping script" exit 1 fi else echo "Smth wrong with /etc/fstab. Stopping script" exit 1 fi cat /etc/fstab |\ while read line; do if [ `echo $line |grep ^UUID|wc -l` != 0 ] then UUIDline=`echo $line |cut -d' ' -f 1` blkid |sed s/\"// |grep "$UUIDline" |\ while read blkidline; do inblk=$blkidline dev="`echo -n $inblk |cut -d: -f 1`" rest="`echo $line |sed s/$UUIDline//`" echo "$dev $rest" done else echo $line fi done