#!/bin/bash rpmsort () { local unsorted str1 str2 tmp tmpo tmpe lines i tmpo="$(mktemp tmp.XXX)" tmpe="$(mktemp tmp.XXX)" unsorted=1 while ((unsorted)); do unsorted=0 str2= lines="$(sed -n "$=" "$1")" for ((i=1; i<=lines; i++)); do str1="$(sed "$i"'!d' "$1")" [ -z "$str1" ] && continue if [ -z "$str2" ]; then str2="$str1" continue fi if [ "$(rpmevrcmp "$str1" "$str2")" -gt 0 ]; then unsorted=1 # echo "tmpo" echo "$str1" >> "$tmpo" else # echo "tmpo" echo "$str2" >> "$tmpo" str2="$str1" fi # echo "tmpe" echo "$str2" > "$tmpe" done echo "$str2" >> "$tmpo" cat "$tmpo" >"$1" :>"$tmpo" done rm -f "$tmpo" "$tmpe" } prn () { local lines i str1 str2 con tmp # echo -n "$(sed '1!d' "$1")" lines="$(sed -n "$=" "$1")" for ((i=1; i<=lines; i++)); do str1="$(sed "$i"'!d' "$1")" [ -z "$str1" ] && continue if [ -z "$str2" ]; then str2="$str1" continue fi echo -n "$str2" con="$(rpmevrcmp "$str1" "$str2")" tmp=">=<" echo -n "${tmp:con+1:1}" # [ "$con" -lt 0 ] && echo -n ">" # [ "$con" -eq 0 ] && echo -n "=" # [ "$con" -gt 0 ] && echo -n "<" str2="$str1" done echo "$str2" } tmp="$(mktemp tmp.XXX)" tmpa="$(mktemp tmp.XXX)" tmpo="$(mktemp tmp.XXX)" for rel in alt1.10 alt1.p3 alt1.9 alt1.9.1 alt1.10.1 alt1.svn20090812 alt1.svn20090812.10 alt1.svn20090812.11; do echo -n "$rel: " :>"$tmp" for br in "" M50 M41 M40; do for ((branch_release_num=1;branch_release_num<=2;branch_release_num++)); do rpm --define "branch_release_num \"$branch_release_num\"" --define "branch_switch \"$br\"" --eval "%branch_release $rel" >>"$tmp" done done rpmsort "$tmp" prn "$tmp" echo # sed ':a;N;s/\n/ /;ta' "$tmp" cat "$tmpa" "$tmp" > "$tmpo" cp -f "$tmpo" "$tmpa" done rpmsort "$tmpo" prn "$tmpo" echo cat <"$tmp" alt1.10 alt0.10.M50.1 alt0.10.M41.1 alt0.10.M40.1 alt0.10.M50.2 alt0.10.M41.2 alt0.10.M40.2 EOF rpmsort "$tmp" prn "$tmp" echo rm -f "$tmp" "$tmpo" "$tmpa" exit file /var/www/html/lightsquid/user_month.cgi from install of lightsquid-admin- conflicts with file from package lightsquid-1.8-alt2