Чтение списков пакетов... Построение дерева зависимостей... Следующие НОВЫЕ пакеты будут установлены: lyx 0 будет обновлено, 1 новых установлено, 0 пакетов будет удалено и 0 не будет обновлено. Необходимо получить 0B/9400kB архивов. После распаковки потребуется дополнительно 48,0MB дискового пространства. Совершаем изменения... Preparing... ################################################## lyx ################################################## checking for a Latex2e program... +checking for "latex"... yes checking for a DVI postprocessing program... +checking for "pplatex"... no checking for pLaTeX, the Japanese LaTeX... +checking for "platex"... no checking for a Tgif viewer and editor... +checking for "tgif"... no checking for a Tgif viewer and editor... +checking for "tgif"... no checking for a FIG viewer and editor... +checking for "xfig"... no +checking for "jfig3-itext.jar"... no +checking for "jfig3.jar"... no checking for a FIG viewer and editor... +checking for "xfig"... no +checking for "jfig3-itext.jar"... no +checking for "jfig3.jar"... no checking for a Dia viewer and editor... +checking for "dia"... no checking for a Dia viewer and editor... +checking for "dia"... no checking for a Grace viewer and editor... +checking for "xmgrace"... no checking for a Grace viewer and editor... +checking for 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/usr/share/texmf/web2c/mktexnam: Need to update ? mktextfm: Running mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1000 This is METAFONT, Version 2.718281 (Web2C 7.5.7) kpathsea: Running mktexmf ecrm1000 ! I can't find file `ecrm1000'. <*> ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1000 Please type another input file name ! Emergency stop. <*> ...ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1000 Transcript written on mfput.log. grep: ecrm1000.log: ??? ?????? ????? ??? ???????? mktextfm: `mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ecrm1000' failed to make ecrm1000.tfm. kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log. ++checking for ec fonts... no +checking for document class AEA [AEA,amsmath.sty,harvard.sty,multicol.sty,sets +checking for document class IEEEtran [IEEEtran]... no +checking for document class aapaper [aa]... no +checking for document class aastex [aastex,amssymb.sty,latexsym.sty,natbib.sty +checking for document class aa [aa]... no +checking for document class achemso [achemso,caption.sty,courier.sty,cleveref. +checking for document class acmsiggraph [acmsiggraph,lineno.sty]... no +checking for docbook class agu-dtd... yes +checking for document class agums [aguplus,agums.sty]... no +checking for document class agutex [agutex]... no +checking for document class 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+checking for package endnotes [endnotes]... no +checking for package endnotes [endnotes]... no +checking for package covington [covington]... no +checking for package noweb [noweb]... no +checking for package braille [braille]... no +checking for package enumitem [enumitem]... no +checking for package fancyhdr [fancyhdr]... yes +checking for package endnotes [endnotes]... no +checking for package endnotes [endnotes]... no +checking for package covington [covington]... no +checking for package noweb [noweb]... no +checking for package braille [braille]... no +checking for package accents [accents]... no +checking for package algorithm [algorithm]... no +checking for package amstext [amstext]... yes +checking for package arabi [arabic.ldf]... no +checking for package array [array]... yes +checking for package babel [babel]... yes +checking for package bibtopic [bibtopic]... no +checking for package bm [bm]... yes +checking for package booktabs [booktabs]... no +checking for package braille [braille]... no +checking for package breakurl [breakurl]... no +checking for package CJKutf8 [CJKutf8]... no +checking for package calc [calc]... yes +checking for package color [color]... yes +checking for package covington [covington]... no +checking for package csquotes [csquotes]... no +checking for package dvipost [dvipost]... no +checking for package endnotes [endnotes]... no +checking for package enumitem [enumitem]... no +checking for package esint [esint]... no +checking for package fontspec [fontspec]... no +checking for package hhline [hhline]... yes +checking for package ifsym [ifsym]... no +checking for package ifthen [ifthen]... yes +checking for package fancybox [fancybox]... no +checking for package fancyhdr [fancyhdr]... yes +checking for package fixltx2e [fixltx2e]... yes +checking for package fix-cm [fix-cm]... yes +checking for package float [float]... no +checking for package framed [framed]... no +checking for package geometry [geometry]... yes +checking for package graphicx [graphicx]... yes +checking for package hyperref [hyperref]... no +checking for package hyphenat [hyphenat]... no +checking for package japanese [japanese.ldf]... no +checking for package jurabib [jurabib]... no +checking for package latex8 [latex8]... no +checking for package lettrine [lettrine]... no +checking for package listings [listings]... no +checking for package lithuanian [lithuanian.ldf]... no +checking for package longtable [longtable]... yes +checking for package luainputenc [luainputenc]... no +checking for package mathdots [mathdots]... no +checking for package mathrsfs [mathrsfs]... no +checking for package mhchem [mhchem]... no +checking for package mongolian [mongolian.ldf]... no +checking for package multirow [multirow]... no +checking for package natbib [natbib]... yes +checking for package nicefrac [nicefrac]... no +checking for package nomencl [nomencl]... no +checking for package pdfcolmk [pdfcolmk]... no +checking for package polyglossia [polyglossia]... no +checking for package pdfpages [pdfpages]... no +checking for package prettyref [prettyref]... no +checking for package preview [preview]... no +checking for package refstyle [refstyle]... no +checking for package rotating [rotating]... no +checking for package rotfloat [rotfloat]... no +checking for package setspace [setspace]... no +checking for package slashed [slashed]... yes +checking for package soul [soul]... no +checking for package splitidx [splitidx]... no +checking for package subfig [subfig]... no +checking for package Sweave [Sweave]... no +checking for package textcomp [textcomp]... yes +checking for package subscript [subscript]... no +checking for package turkmen [turkmen.ldf]... no +checking for package ulem [ulem]... no +checking for package units [units]... no +checking for package url [url]... no +checking for package varioref [varioref]... yes +checking for package wasysym [wasysym]... no +checking for package wrapfig [wrapfig]... no +checking for package xargs [xargs]... no +checking for package xcolor [xcolor]... no +checking for package psnfss [times.sty]... yes +checking for package avant [avant]... yes +checking for package bookman [bookman]... yes +checking for package chancery [chancery]... yes +checking for package charter [charter]... yes +checking for package courier [courier]... yes +checking for package helvet [helvet]... yes +checking for package mathpazo [mathpazo]... yes +checking for package mathpple [mathpple]... yes +checking for package mathptm [mathptm]... yes +checking for package mathptmx [mathptmx]... yes +checking for package newcent [newcent]... yes +checking for package pifont [pifont]... yes +checking for package utopia [utopia]... yes +checking for package ae [ae]... yes +checking for package bera [bera]... no +checking for package ccfonts [ccfonts]... no +checking for package cmbright [cmbright]... no +checking for package eco [eco]... no +checking for package feyn [feyn]... no +checking for package fourier [fourier]... no +checking for package lmodern [lmodern]... no +checking for package luximono [luximono]... no +checking for package tipa [tipa]... no +checking for package zhmetrics [c70fs.fd]... no +Inspection done. +Read the file doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx for more information. error: execution of %post scriptlet from lyx-2.0.0-alt1.rc3.1 failed, exit status 1 E: Произошли ошибки при выполнении транзакции