;log started at Wed Feb 17 15:24:08 2016 ("/step-list" language ("en_US") action "list" steps_file "/etc/livecd-install/steps") ;answer: ("/step-list" name "/livecd/start" label "Preparing for install" help "livecd-start" icon "steps/greeting") ;answer: ("/step-list" name "/notes/license" label "License agreement" help "notes-license" icon "steps/notes-license") ;answer: ("/step-list" name "/datetime/installer" label "Date/Time" help "datetime" icon "steps/datetime") ;answer: ("/step-list" name "/vm/blonde" label "Volume management" help "vm-blonde" icon "steps/vm") ;answer: ("/step-list" name "/livecd/install" label "System installation" help "livecd-install" icon "steps/install") ;answer: ("/step-list" name "/grub" label "Bootloader setup" help "grub" icon "steps/lilo") ;answer: ("/step-list" name "/root" label "System Administrator" help "root" icon "steps/root") ;answer: ("/step-list" name "/users/add" label "System User" help "users" icon "steps/users") ;answer: ("/step-list" name "/luks" label "Change LUKS passphrase" help "luks" icon "steps/vm") ;answer: ("/step-list" name "/livecd/finish" label "Finish installation" help "livecd-finish" icon "steps/finish") ("/livecd-start" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/livecd-start" url "/usr/share/alterator-livecd/notes/livecd-start.all.html") ("/help/" language ("en_US") action "read" topic "livecd-start") ;answer: ("/help" url "/usr/share/alterator/help/en_US/notfound.html") ("/livecd-start" language ("en_US") action "write") ;answer: empty ("/notes" language ("en_US") action "read" name "license") ;answer: ("/notes" url "/usr/share/alt-notes/license.all.html") ("/help/" language ("en_US") action "read" topic "notes-license") ;answer: ("/help" url "/usr/share/alterator/help/en_US/notfound.html") ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" language ("en_US") action "list") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AF" label "Afghanistan") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AX" label "Ă\x85land Islands") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AL" label "Albania") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "DZ" label "Algeria") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AD" label "Andorra") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AO" label "Angola") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AI" label "Anguilla") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AQ" label "Antarctica") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AG" label "Antigua & Barbuda") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AR" label "Argentina") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AM" label "Armenia") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AW" label "Aruba") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AU" label "Australia") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AT" label "Austria") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "AZ" label "Azerbaijan") ;answer: 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name "BV" label "Bouvet Island") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "BR" label "Brazil") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "GB" label "Britain (UK)") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "IO" label "British Indian Ocean Territory") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "BN" label "Brunei") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "BG" label "Bulgaria") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "BF" label "Burkina Faso") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "BI" label "Burundi") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "KH" label "Cambodia") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "CM" label "Cameroon") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "CA" label "Canada") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "CV" label "Cape Verde") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "BQ" label "Caribbean Netherlands") ;answer: 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;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "TL" label "East Timor") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "EC" label "Ecuador") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "EG" label "Egypt") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "SV" label "El Salvador") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "GQ" label "Equatorial Guinea") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "ER" label "Eritrea") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "EE" label "Estonia") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "ET" label "Ethiopia") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "FK" label "Falkland Islands") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "FO" label "Faroe Islands") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "FJ" label "Fiji") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "FI" label "Finland") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "FR" label "France") ;answer: 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"Kiribati") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "KP" label "Korea (North)") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "KR" label "Korea (South)") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "KW" label "Kuwait") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "KG" label "Kyrgyzstan") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "LA" label "Laos") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "LV" label "Latvia") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "LB" label "Lebanon") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "LS" label "Lesotho") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "LR" label "Liberia") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "LY" label "Libya") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "LI" label "Liechtenstein") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "LT" label "Lithuania") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "LU" label "Luxembourg") ;answer: 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"Palestine") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "PA" label "Panama") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "PG" label "Papua New Guinea") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "PY" label "Paraguay") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "PE" label "Peru") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "PH" label "Philippines") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "PN" label "Pitcairn") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "PL" label "Poland") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "PT" label "Portugal") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "PR" label "Puerto Rico") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "QA" label "Qatar") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "RE" label "RĂ©union") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "RO" label "Romania") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_country" name "RU" label "Russia") ;answer: 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label "Indiana/Marengo") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Indiana/Petersburg" label "Indiana/Petersburg") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Indiana/Vevay" label "Indiana/Vevay") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Chicago" label "Chicago") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Indiana/Tell_City" label "Indiana/Tell City") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Indiana/Knox" label "Indiana/Knox") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Menominee" label "Menominee") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/North_Dakota/Center" label "North Dakota/Center") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" label "North Dakota/New Salem") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/North_Dakota/Beulah" label "North Dakota/Beulah") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Denver" label "Denver") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Boise" label "Boise") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Phoenix" label "Phoenix") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Los_Angeles" label "Los Angeles") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Anchorage" label "Anchorage") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Juneau" label "Juneau") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Sitka" label "Sitka") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Metlakatla" label "Metlakatla") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Yakutat" label "Yakutat") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Nome" label "Nome") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "America/Adak" label "Adak") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Pacific/Honolulu" label "Honolulu") ("/datetime-installer" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer" zone "America/New_York" name "US" utc #t ctime "set automatically") ("/help/" language ("en_US") action "read" topic "datetime") ;answer: ("/help" url "/usr/share/alterator/help/en_US/datetime.html") ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" language ("en_US") action "list" name "RU") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Europe/Kaliningrad" label "Kaliningrad") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Europe/Moscow" label "Moscow") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Europe/Simferopol" label "Simferopol") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Europe/Volgograd" label "Volgograd") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Europe/Samara" label "Samara") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Yekaterinburg" label "Yekaterinburg") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Omsk" label "Omsk") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Novosibirsk" label "Novosibirsk") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Novokuznetsk" label "Novokuznetsk") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" label "Krasnoyarsk") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Irkutsk" label "Irkutsk") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Chita" label "Chita") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Yakutsk" label "Yakutsk") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Khandyga" label "Khandyga") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Vladivostok" label "Vladivostok") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Sakhalin" label "Sakhalin") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Ust-Nera" label "Ust-Nera") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Magadan" label "Magadan") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Srednekolymsk" label "Srednekolymsk") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Kamchatka" label "Kamchatka") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer/avail_zone" name "Asia/Anadyr" label "Anadyr") ("/datetime-installer" language ("en_US") action "read" name "RU") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer" zone "" name "RU" utc #t ctime "set automatically") ("/datetime-installer" language ("en_US") action "ctime" utc #t zone "Europe/Kaliningrad") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer" ctime "set automatically") ("/datetime-installer" language ("en_US") action "ctime" utc #t zone "Europe/Moscow") ;answer: ("/datetime-installer" ctime "set automatically") ("/datetime-installer" language ("en_US") action "write" commit #t name "RU" zone "Europe/Moscow" utc #t ctime "set automatically") ;answer: empty ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control open installer #t) ;answer: empty ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/storage/volumes" language ("en_US") action "list") ;answer: ("/evms/storage/volumes/sda1" name "sda1") ;answer: ("/evms/storage/volumes/sda2" name "sda2") ;answer: ("/evms/storage/volumes/sda5" name "sda5") ("/evms/storage/volumes/sda1" language ("en_US") action props props (name fsim size)) ;answer: ("sda1" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "1023 MB [1003 MB]") ("/evms/storage/volumes/sda2" language ("en_US") action props props (name fsim size)) ;answer: ("sda2" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "4095 MB [1766 MB]") ("/evms/storage/volumes/sda5" language ("en_US") action props props (name fsim size)) ;answer: ("sda5" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "927 GB [912 GB]") ("/help/" language ("en_US") action "read" topic "vm-blonde") ;answer: ("/help" url "/usr/share/alterator/help/en_US/notfound.html") ("/evms/profiles" language ("en_US") action "list") ;answer: ("/evms/profiles/workstation" name "workstation") ;answer: ("/evms/profiles/server" name "server") ;answer: ("/evms/profiles/none" name "none") ("/evms/profiles/none" language ("en_US") action apply commit #f clearall #f exclude ()) ;answer: (nexthop /vm/table) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda1" . "vm/umounted.png") "1023 MB [1003 MB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda2" . "vm/umounted.png") "4095 MB [1766 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "" "") #(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "927 GB [912 GB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: () ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda1" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-volume-mkfs . #f) (op-volume-fsck . #f) (op-volume-unmkfs . #t) (op-volume-expand . #f) (op-volume-shrink . #t) (op-volume-mount . #f) (op-volume-umount . #f) (op-volume-remount . #f) (op-volume-setmntent . #f) (op-volume-destroy . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda1" language ("en_US") action task operation op-volume-destroy) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-destroy #f "/evms/tasks/1") ("/evms/tasks/1" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/1" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/1" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/1" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("" . "vm/unused.png") "1024 MB" "" "" "") #(("sda2" . "vm/umounted.png") "4095 MB [1766 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "" "") #(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "927 GB [912 GB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda2" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-volume-mkfs . #f) (op-volume-fsck . #t) (op-volume-unmkfs . #t) (op-volume-expand . #f) (op-volume-shrink . #t) (op-volume-mount . #t) (op-volume-umount . #f) (op-volume-remount . #f) (op-volume-setmntent . #t) (op-volume-destroy . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda2" language ("en_US") action task operation op-volume-destroy) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-destroy #f "/evms/tasks/2") ("/evms/tasks/2" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/2" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/2" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/2" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("" . "vm/unused.png") "5119 MB" "" "" "") #(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "927 GB [912 GB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda5" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-volume-mkfs . #f) (op-volume-fsck . #t) (op-volume-unmkfs . #t) (op-volume-expand . #f) (op-volume-shrink . #t) (op-volume-mount . #t) (op-volume-umount . #f) (op-volume-remount . #f) (op-volume-setmntent . #t) (op-volume-destroy . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda5" language ("en_US") action task operation op-volume-destroy) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-destroy #f "/evms/tasks/3") ("/evms/tasks/3" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/3" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/3" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/3" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("" . "vm/unused.png") "932 GB" "" "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t) (op-pt-destroy . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-segment-create) ;answer: (task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/4") ("/evms/tasks/4" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/4" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/4" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 953867 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 953867)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 953859 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "Primary") (title . "Primary Partition") (tip . "This option allows you to choose between creating a logical or primary partition. Choose Yes if you would like a primary partition created.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags) (value . #t)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/4" language ("en_US") action set-options! "Primary" #f) ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/4" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 953867 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 953867)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 953859 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/4" language ("en_US") action set-options! "Size" 504) ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/4" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 953867 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 504)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 953363 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/4" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/5") ("/evms/tasks/5" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/5" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/5" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/5" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/6" "/evms/tasks/7" "/evms/tasks/8") ("/evms/tasks/6" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/6" title "Ext2/3/4 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/7" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/7" title "XFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/8" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/8" title "JFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/7" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/8" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/6" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/6" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/6" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks") (title . "Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Check the volume for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks_rw") (title . "Read/Write Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Do a read/write check for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "vollabel") (title . "Volume Label") (tip . "Set the volume label for the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value not-required) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "journal") (title . "Create Ext3 Journal") (tip . "Create a journal for use with the ext3 file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "extents") (title . "Use Ext4 extents") (tip . "Use Ext4 extents feature.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t))) ("/evms/tasks/6" language ("en_US") action set-options! "badblocks" #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/6" language ("en_US") action set-options! "vollabel" "altbootfs") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/6" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/9") ("/evms/tasks/9" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/9" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/9" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . combobox/ex) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "/" "/home" "/usr" "/var" "/boot" "/srv" "/opt" "/usr/local" "/var/lib/vz" "/var/ftp" "/var/www" "/var/cache/squid" "/boot/efi" "/mnt/disk") (name . mntpoint) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mountpoint") (flags expandable important) (value . "/")) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . mntoptions) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mount Options") (flags) (value . "relatime"))) ("/evms/tasks/9" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntpoint "/boot") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/9" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . combobox/ex) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "/" "/home" "/usr" "/var" "/srv" "/opt" "/usr/local" "/var/lib/vz" "/var/ftp" "/var/www" "/var/cache/squid" "/boot/efi" "/mnt/disk" "/boot") (name . mntpoint) (oldvalue . "/") (title . "Mountpoint") (flags expandable important) (value . "/boot")) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . mntoptions) (oldvalue . "relatime") (title . "Mount Options") (flags) (value . "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime"))) ("/evms/tasks/9" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntpoint "/boot") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/9" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntpoint "/boot") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/9" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntoptions "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/9" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("" . "vm/unused.png") "931 GB" "" "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-segment-create) ;answer: (task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/10") ("/evms/tasks/10" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/10" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/10" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 953363 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 953363)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 953355 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/10" language ("en_US") action set-options! "Size" 16000) ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/10" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 953363 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 16000)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 937363 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/10" language ("en_US") action set-options! "TypeByName" "Linux Swap") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/10" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 953363 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 16000)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 937363 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux Swap"))) ("/evms/tasks/10" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/11") ("/evms/tasks/11" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/11" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/11" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/11" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/12") ("/evms/tasks/12" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/12" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/12" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks") (title . "Check for bad blocks") (tip . "Check for bad blocks when making swap space") (help . #f) (unit . kb) (flags not-required) (value . #f))) ("/evms/tasks/12" language ("en_US") action set-options! "badblocks" #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/12" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/13") ("/evms/tasks/13" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/13" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/13" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . mntoptions) (title . "Mount Options") (flags) (value . ""))) ("/evms/tasks/13" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("" . "vm/unused.png") "915 GB" "" "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-segment-create) ;answer: (task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/14") ("/evms/tasks/14" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/14" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/14" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 937364 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 937364)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 937356 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/14" language ("en_US") action set-options! "Size" 300000) ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/14" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 937364 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 300000)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 637364 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/14" language ("en_US") action set-options! "TypeByName" "Linux LVM") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/14" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 937364 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 300000)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 637364 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags lasthop not-required) (value . "Linux LVM"))) ("/evms/tasks/14" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #f) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("" . "vm/unused.png") "622 GB" "" "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-segment-create) ;answer: (task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/15") ("/evms/tasks/15" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/15" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/15" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 637365 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 637365)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 637357 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/15" language ("en_US") action set-options! "Size" 300000) ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/15" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 637365 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 300000)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 337365 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/15" language ("en_US") action set-options! "TypeByName" "Linux LVM") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/15" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 637365 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 300000)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 337365 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags lasthop not-required) (value . "Linux LVM"))) ("/evms/tasks/15" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #f) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("" . "vm/unused.png") "329 GB" "" "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-segment-create) ;answer: (task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/16") ("/evms/tasks/16" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/16" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/16" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 337366 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 337366)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 337358 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/16" language ("en_US") action set-options! "Size" 263000) ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/16" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 337366 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 263000)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 74366 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/16" language ("en_US") action set-options! "TypeByName" "Linux LVM") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/16" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 337366 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 263000)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 74366 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags lasthop not-required) (value . "Linux LVM"))) ("/evms/tasks/16" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #f) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("" . "vm/unused.png") "73 GB" "" "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-segment-create) ;answer: (task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/17") ("/evms/tasks/17" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/17" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/17" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 74367 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 74367)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 74359 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/17" language ("en_US") action set-options! "TypeByName" "Linux Swap") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/17" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 74367 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 74367)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 74359 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux Swap"))) ("/evms/tasks/17" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/18") ("/evms/tasks/18" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/18" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/18" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/18" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/19") ("/evms/tasks/19" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/19" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/19" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks") (title . "Check for bad blocks") (tip . "Check for bad blocks when making swap space") (help . #f) (unit . kb) (flags not-required) (value . #f))) ("/evms/tasks/19" language ("en_US") action set-options! "badblocks" #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/19" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/20") ("/evms/tasks/20" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/20" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/20" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . mntoptions) (title . "Mount Options") (flags) (value . ""))) ("/evms/tasks/20" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda10" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #f) (op-luks-segment . #f) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda7" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-expand . #f) (op-segment-shrink . #t) (op-segment-destroy . #t) (op-volume-create . #t) (op-luks-create . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda7" language ("en_US") action task operation op-volume-create) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/21") ("/evms/tasks/21" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/21" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/21" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/21" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/22" "/evms/tasks/23" "/evms/tasks/24" "/evms/tasks/25" "/evms/tasks/26" "/evms/tasks/27" "/evms/tasks/28") ("/evms/tasks/22" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/22" title "Ext2/3/4 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/23" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/23" title "XFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/24" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/24" title "JFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/25" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/25" title "Swap File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/26" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/26" title "FAT16 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/27" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/27" title "FAT32 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/28" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/28" title "NTFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/umounted.png") "293 GB [293 GB]" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda10" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #f) (op-luks-segment . #f) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda7" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-volume-mkfs . #t) (op-volume-fsck . #f) (op-volume-unmkfs . #f) (op-volume-expand . #f) (op-volume-shrink . #t) (op-volume-mount . #f) (op-volume-umount . #f) (op-volume-remount . #f) (op-volume-setmntent . #f) (op-volume-destroy . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda7" language ("en_US") action task operation op-volume-mkfs) ;answer: (choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/29" "/evms/tasks/30" "/evms/tasks/31" "/evms/tasks/32" "/evms/tasks/33" "/evms/tasks/34" "/evms/tasks/35") ("/evms/tasks/29" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/29" title "Ext2/3/4 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/30" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/30" title "XFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/31" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/31" title "JFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/32" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/32" title "Swap File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/33" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/33" title "FAT16 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/34" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/34" title "FAT32 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/35" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/35" title "NTFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/umounted.png") "293 GB [293 GB]" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda10" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #f) (op-luks-segment . #f) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda7" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-volume-mkfs . #t) (op-volume-fsck . #f) (op-volume-unmkfs . #f) (op-volume-expand . #f) (op-volume-shrink . #t) (op-volume-mount . #f) (op-volume-umount . #f) (op-volume-remount . #f) (op-volume-setmntent . #f) (op-volume-destroy . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/sda7" language ("en_US") action task operation op-volume-destroy) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-destroy #f "/evms/tasks/36") ("/evms/tasks/36" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/36" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/36" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/36" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("" . "vm/unused.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #t) (op-luks-segment . #t)) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-segment-create) ;answer: (task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/37") ("/evms/tasks/37" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/37" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/37" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 299996 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 299996)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 299988 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . "Linux"))) ("/evms/tasks/37" language ("en_US") action set-options! "TypeByName" "Linux LVM") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/37" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 8 299996 8) (name . "Size") (title . "Size") (tip . "This option allows you to set the size of the segment that you are creating.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 299996)) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 0 299988 8) (name . "Offset") (title . "Offset") (tip . "Use this option if you don't want the segment you are creating to start at the beginning of freespace. It allows you to specifiy the number of sectors to skip before creating the segment.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags important) (value . 0)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "FAT16" "NTFS" "Linux" "Linux Swap" "Linux LVM" "Linux RAID" "PReP") (name . "TypeByName") (title . "Partition Type") (tip . "Select from a list of common partition types") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags lasthop not-required) (value . "Linux LVM"))) ("/evms/tasks/37" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #f) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda10" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/Disks/sda" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-segment-create . #f) (op-luks-segment . #f) (op-pt-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/LVM" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-vg-create . #t)) ("/evms/tree/LVM" language ("en_US") action task operation op-vg-create) ;answer: (task #f op-vg-create #f "/evms/tasks/38") ("/evms/tasks/38" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/38" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: ("sda10" "sda7" "sda8") ("/evms/tasks/38" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #f) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 container.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . combobox) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . list) (constraint 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 524288 1048576 2097152 4194304 8388608 16777216 33554432 67108864 134217728 268435456 536870912) (name . "extent_size") (title . "Extent-size for the new LVM2 container.") (tip . "Extent-size must be a power-of-2 and at least 8kB.") (help . #f) (unit . sector) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 65536))) ("/evms/tasks/38" language ("en_US") action set-objects! objects ("sda10" "sda8")) ("/evms/tasks/38" language ("en_US") action set-objects! objects ("sda10")) ("/evms/tasks/38" language ("en_US") action set-options! "name" "alt") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/38" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") (#(("alt" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") (#(("" . "vm/unused.png") "293 GB" "" "" ""))) #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/LVM" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-vg-create . #t)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-lv-create . #t) (op-volume-create . #f) (op-luks-lv . #t) (op-luks-create . #f) (op-lv-expand . #f) (op-lv-shrink . #f) (op-lv-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-lv-create) ;answer: (task #f op-lv-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/39") ("/evms/tasks/39" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/39" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/39" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #f) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 32 299968 32) (name . "size") (title . "Size for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "Size must be a multiple of the container's extent-size and cannot exceed the amount of freespace in the container. If not, it will be rounded down as appropriate.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 299968)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 1 1 1) (name . "stripes") (title . "Number of stripes for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "One stripe implies a linear region. Number of stripes cannot exceed the number of objects consumed by the container.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 1)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checklist) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "sda10") (name . "pvs") (title . "Objects (PVs) to place the new LVM2 region on.") (tip . "Region will be allocated on only these objects. Leave blank for automatic allocation.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags value-is-list automatic not-required) (value))) ("/evms/tasks/39" language ("en_US") action set-options! "name" "altmainvol") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/39" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags) (value . "altmainvol")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 32 299968 32) (name . "size") (title . "Size for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "Size must be a multiple of the container's extent-size and cannot exceed the amount of freespace in the container. If not, it will be rounded down as appropriate.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 299968)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 1 1 1) (name . "stripes") (title . "Number of stripes for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "One stripe implies a linear region. Number of stripes cannot exceed the number of objects consumed by the container.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 1)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checklist) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "sda10") (name . "pvs") (title . "Objects (PVs) to place the new LVM2 region on.") (tip . "Region will be allocated on only these objects. Leave blank for automatic allocation.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags value-is-list automatic not-required) (value))) ("/evms/tasks/39" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/40") ("/evms/tasks/40" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/40" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/40" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/40" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/41" "/evms/tasks/42" "/evms/tasks/43" "/evms/tasks/44" "/evms/tasks/45" "/evms/tasks/46" "/evms/tasks/47") ("/evms/tasks/41" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/41" title "Ext2/3/4 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/42" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/42" title "XFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/43" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/43" title "JFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/44" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/44" title "Swap File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/45" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/45" title "FAT16 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/46" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/46" title "FAT32 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/47" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/47" title "NTFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/42" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/43" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/44" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/45" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/46" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/47" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/41" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/41" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/41" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks") (title . "Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Check the volume for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks_rw") (title . "Read/Write Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Do a read/write check for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "vollabel") (title . "Volume Label") (tip . "Set the volume label for the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value not-required) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "journal") (title . "Create Ext3 Journal") (tip . "Create a journal for use with the ext3 file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "extents") (title . "Use Ext4 extents") (tip . "Use Ext4 extents feature.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t))) ("/evms/tasks/41" language ("en_US") action set-options! "badblocks" #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/41" language ("en_US") action set-options! "vollabel" "altmainfs") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/41" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/48") ("/evms/tasks/48" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/48" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/48" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . combobox/ex) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "/" "/home" "/usr" "/var" "/srv" "/opt" "/usr/local" "/var/lib/vz" "/var/ftp" "/var/www" "/var/cache/squid" "/boot/efi" "/mnt/disk" "/boot") (name . mntpoint) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mountpoint") (flags expandable important) (value . "/")) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . mntoptions) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mount Options") (flags) (value . "relatime"))) ("/evms/tasks/48" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntpoint "/") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/48" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntoptions "relatime") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/48" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") (#(("alt" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") (#(("altmainvol" . "vm/umounted.png") "293 GB [293 GB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/" "relatime"))) #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-vg-expand . #t) (op-vg-shrink . #f) (op-vg-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt/altmainvol" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-volume-mkfs . #f) (op-volume-fsck . #t) (op-volume-unmkfs . #t) (op-volume-expand . #f) (op-volume-shrink . #f) (op-volume-mount . #f) (op-volume-umount . #f) (op-volume-remount . #f) (op-volume-setmntent . #t) (op-volume-destroy . #t)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt/altmainvol" language ("en_US") action task operation op-volume-destroy) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-destroy #f "/evms/tasks/49") ("/evms/tasks/49" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/49" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/49" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/49" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") (#(("alt" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") (#(("" . "vm/unused.png") "293 GB" "" "" ""))) #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-vg-expand . #t) (op-vg-shrink . #t) (op-vg-destroy . #t)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-lv-create . #t) (op-volume-create . #f) (op-luks-lv . #t) (op-luks-create . #f) (op-lv-expand . #f) (op-lv-shrink . #f) (op-lv-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-lv-create) ;answer: (task #f op-lv-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/50") ("/evms/tasks/50" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/50" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/50" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #f) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 32 299968 32) (name . "size") (title . "Size for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "Size must be a multiple of the container's extent-size and cannot exceed the amount of freespace in the container. If not, it will be rounded down as appropriate.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 299968)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 1 1 1) (name . "stripes") (title . "Number of stripes for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "One stripe implies a linear region. Number of stripes cannot exceed the number of objects consumed by the container.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 1)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checklist) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "sda10") (name . "pvs") (title . "Objects (PVs) to place the new LVM2 region on.") (tip . "Region will be allocated on only these objects. Leave blank for automatic allocation.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags value-is-list automatic not-required) (value))) ("/evms/tasks/50" language ("en_US") action set-options! "size" 30016) ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/50" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #f) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 32 299968 32) (name . "size") (title . "Size for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "Size must be a multiple of the container's extent-size and cannot exceed the amount of freespace in the container. If not, it will be rounded down as appropriate.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 30016)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 1 1 1) (name . "stripes") (title . "Number of stripes for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "One stripe implies a linear region. Number of stripes cannot exceed the number of objects consumed by the container.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 1)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checklist) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "sda10") (name . "pvs") (title . "Objects (PVs) to place the new LVM2 region on.") (tip . "Region will be allocated on only these objects. Leave blank for automatic allocation.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags value-is-list automatic not-required) (value))) ("/evms/tasks/50" language ("en_US") action set-options! "name" "altmainvol") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/50" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags) (value . "altmainvol")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 32 299968 32) (name . "size") (title . "Size for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "Size must be a multiple of the container's extent-size and cannot exceed the amount of freespace in the container. If not, it will be rounded down as appropriate.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 30016)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 1 1 1) (name . "stripes") (title . "Number of stripes for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "One stripe implies a linear region. Number of stripes cannot exceed the number of objects consumed by the container.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 1)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checklist) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "sda10") (name . "pvs") (title . "Objects (PVs) to place the new LVM2 region on.") (tip . "Region will be allocated on only these objects. Leave blank for automatic allocation.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags value-is-list automatic not-required) (value))) ("/evms/tasks/50" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/51") ("/evms/tasks/51" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/51" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/51" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/51" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/52" "/evms/tasks/53" "/evms/tasks/54" "/evms/tasks/55" "/evms/tasks/56" "/evms/tasks/57" "/evms/tasks/58") ("/evms/tasks/52" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/52" title "Ext2/3/4 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/53" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/53" title "XFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/54" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/54" title "JFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/55" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/55" title "Swap File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/56" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/56" title "FAT16 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/57" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/57" title "FAT32 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/58" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/58" title "NTFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/53" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/54" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/55" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/56" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/57" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/58" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/52" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/52" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/52" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks") (title . "Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Check the volume for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks_rw") (title . "Read/Write Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Do a read/write check for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "vollabel") (title . "Volume Label") (tip . "Set the volume label for the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value not-required) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "journal") (title . "Create Ext3 Journal") (tip . "Create a journal for use with the ext3 file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "extents") (title . "Use Ext4 extents") (tip . "Use Ext4 extents feature.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t))) ("/evms/tasks/52" language ("en_US") action set-options! "badblocks" #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/52" language ("en_US") action set-options! "vollabel" "altmainfs") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/52" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/59") ("/evms/tasks/59" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/59" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/59" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . combobox/ex) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "/" "/home" "/usr" "/var" "/srv" "/opt" "/usr/local" "/var/lib/vz" "/var/ftp" "/var/www" "/var/cache/squid" "/boot/efi" "/mnt/disk" "/boot") (name . mntpoint) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mountpoint") (flags expandable important) (value . "/")) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . mntoptions) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mount Options") (flags) (value . "relatime"))) ("/evms/tasks/59" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntpoint "/") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/59" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntoptions "relatime") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/59" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") (#(("alt" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") (#(("" . "vm/unused.png") "264 GB" "" "" "") #(("altmainvol" . "vm/umounted.png") "29 GB [29 GB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/" "relatime"))) #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-vg-expand . #t) (op-vg-shrink . #t) (op-vg-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-lv-create . #t) (op-volume-create . #f) (op-luks-lv . #t) (op-luks-create . #f) (op-lv-expand . #f) (op-lv-shrink . #f) (op-lv-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-lv-create) ;answer: (task #f op-lv-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/60") ("/evms/tasks/60" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/60" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/60" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #f) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 32 269952 32) (name . "size") (title . "Size for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "Size must be a multiple of the container's extent-size and cannot exceed the amount of freespace in the container. If not, it will be rounded down as appropriate.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 269952)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 1 1 1) (name . "stripes") (title . "Number of stripes for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "One stripe implies a linear region. Number of stripes cannot exceed the number of objects consumed by the container.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 1)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checklist) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "sda10") (name . "pvs") (title . "Objects (PVs) to place the new LVM2 region on.") (tip . "Region will be allocated on only these objects. Leave blank for automatic allocation.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags value-is-list automatic not-required) (value))) ("/evms/tasks/60" language ("en_US") action set-options! "size" 40000) ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/60" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #f) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 32 269952 32) (name . "size") (title . "Size for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "Size must be a multiple of the container's extent-size and cannot exceed the amount of freespace in the container. If not, it will be rounded down as appropriate.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 40000)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 1 1 1) (name . "stripes") (title . "Number of stripes for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "One stripe implies a linear region. Number of stripes cannot exceed the number of objects consumed by the container.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 1)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checklist) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "sda10") (name . "pvs") (title . "Objects (PVs) to place the new LVM2 region on.") (tip . "Region will be allocated on only these objects. Leave blank for automatic allocation.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags value-is-list automatic not-required) (value))) ("/evms/tasks/60" language ("en_US") action set-options! "name" "altvarvol") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/60" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags) (value . "altvarvol")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 32 269952 32) (name . "size") (title . "Size for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "Size must be a multiple of the container's extent-size and cannot exceed the amount of freespace in the container. If not, it will be rounded down as appropriate.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 40000)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 1 1 1) (name . "stripes") (title . "Number of stripes for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "One stripe implies a linear region. Number of stripes cannot exceed the number of objects consumed by the container.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 1)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checklist) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "sda10") (name . "pvs") (title . "Objects (PVs) to place the new LVM2 region on.") (tip . "Region will be allocated on only these objects. Leave blank for automatic allocation.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags value-is-list automatic not-required) (value))) ("/evms/tasks/60" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/61") ("/evms/tasks/61" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/61" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/61" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/61" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/62" "/evms/tasks/63" "/evms/tasks/64" "/evms/tasks/65" "/evms/tasks/66" "/evms/tasks/67" "/evms/tasks/68") ("/evms/tasks/62" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/62" title "Ext2/3/4 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/63" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/63" title "XFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/64" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/64" title "JFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/65" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/65" title "Swap File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/66" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/66" title "FAT16 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/67" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/67" title "FAT32 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/68" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/68" title "NTFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/63" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/64" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/65" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/66" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/67" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/68" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/62" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/62" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/62" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks") (title . "Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Check the volume for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks_rw") (title . "Read/Write Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Do a read/write check for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "vollabel") (title . "Volume Label") (tip . "Set the volume label for the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value not-required) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "journal") (title . "Create Ext3 Journal") (tip . "Create a journal for use with the ext3 file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "extents") (title . "Use Ext4 extents") (tip . "Use Ext4 extents feature.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t))) ("/evms/tasks/62" language ("en_US") action set-options! "badblocks" #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/62" language ("en_US") action set-options! "vollabel" "altvarfs") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/62" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/69") ("/evms/tasks/69" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/69" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/69" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . combobox/ex) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "/home" "/usr" "/var" "/srv" "/opt" "/usr/local" "/var/lib/vz" "/var/ftp" "/var/www" "/var/cache/squid" "/boot/efi" "/mnt/disk" "/" "/boot") (name . mntpoint) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mountpoint") (flags expandable important) (value . "/home")) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . mntoptions) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mount Options") (flags) (value . "nosuid,relatime"))) ("/evms/tasks/69" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntpoint "/var") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/69" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntpoint "/var") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/69" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntoptions "nosuid,relatime") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/69" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") (#(("alt" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") (#(("" . "vm/unused.png") "225 GB" "" "" "") #(("altmainvol" . "vm/umounted.png") "29 GB [29 GB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/" "relatime") #(("altvarvol" . "vm/umounted.png") "39 GB [39 GB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/var" "nosuid,relatime"))) #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-vg-expand . #t) (op-vg-shrink . #t) (op-vg-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt/" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-lv-create . #t) (op-volume-create . #f) (op-luks-lv . #t) (op-luks-create . #f) (op-lv-expand . #f) (op-lv-shrink . #f) (op-lv-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt/" language ("en_US") action task operation op-lv-create) ;answer: (task #f op-lv-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/70") ("/evms/tasks/70" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/70" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/70" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #f) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 32 229952 32) (name . "size") (title . "Size for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "Size must be a multiple of the container's extent-size and cannot exceed the amount of freespace in the container. If not, it will be rounded down as appropriate.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 229952)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 1 1 1) (name . "stripes") (title . "Number of stripes for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "One stripe implies a linear region. Number of stripes cannot exceed the number of objects consumed by the container.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 1)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checklist) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "sda10") (name . "pvs") (title . "Objects (PVs) to place the new LVM2 region on.") (tip . "Region will be allocated on only these objects. Leave blank for automatic allocation.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags value-is-list automatic not-required) (value))) ("/evms/tasks/70" language ("en_US") action set-options! "name" "althomevol") ;answer: (#t options) ("/evms/tasks/70" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "name") (title . "Name for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . #f) (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags) (value . "althomevol")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 32 229952 32) (name . "size") (title . "Size for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "Size must be a multiple of the container's extent-size and cannot exceed the amount of freespace in the container. If not, it will be rounded down as appropriate.") (help . #f) (unit . MB) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 229952)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . slider) (ready . #t) (type . number) (constraint-type . range) (constraint 1 1 1) (name . "stripes") (title . "Number of stripes for the new LVM2 region.") (tip . "One stripe implies a linear region. Number of stripes cannot exceed the number of objects consumed by the container.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags automatic not-required) (value . 1)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checklist) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "sda10") (name . "pvs") (title . "Objects (PVs) to place the new LVM2 region on.") (tip . "Region will be allocated on only these objects. Leave blank for automatic allocation.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags value-is-list automatic not-required) (value))) ("/evms/tasks/70" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/71") ("/evms/tasks/71" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/71" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/71" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: () ("/evms/tasks/71" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/72" "/evms/tasks/73" "/evms/tasks/74" "/evms/tasks/75" "/evms/tasks/76" "/evms/tasks/77" "/evms/tasks/78") ("/evms/tasks/72" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/72" title "Ext2/3/4 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/73" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/73" title "XFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/74" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/74" title "JFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/75" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/75" title "Swap File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/76" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/76" title "FAT16 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/77" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/77" title "FAT32 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/78" language ("en_US") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/78" title "NTFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/73" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/74" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/75" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/76" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/77" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/78" language ("en_US") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/72" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/72" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/72" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks") (title . "Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Check the volume for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks_rw") (title . "Read/Write Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Do a read/write check for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "vollabel") (title . "Volume Label") (tip . "Set the volume label for the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value not-required) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "journal") (title . "Create Ext3 Journal") (tip . "Create a journal for use with the ext3 file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "extents") (title . "Use Ext4 extents") (tip . "Use Ext4 extents feature.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t))) ("/evms/tasks/72" language ("en_US") action set-options! "badblocks" #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/72" language ("en_US") action set-options! "vollabel" "althomefs") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/72" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #t next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/79") ("/evms/tasks/79" language ("en_US") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/79" language ("en_US") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/79" language ("en_US") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . combobox/ex) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "/home" "/usr" "/srv" "/opt" "/usr/local" "/var/lib/vz" "/var/ftp" "/var/www" "/var/cache/squid" "/boot/efi" "/mnt/disk" "/" "/var" "/boot") (name . mntpoint) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mountpoint") (flags expandable important) (value . "/home")) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . mntoptions) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mount Options") (flags) (value . "nosuid,relatime"))) ("/evms/tasks/79" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntpoint "/home") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/79" language ("en_US") action set-options! mntoptions "nosuid,relatime") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/79" language ("en_US") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("en_US") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") (#(("sda" . "vm/disk.png") "932 GB" "" "" "") (#(("sda5" . "vm/umounted.png") "503 MB [503 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/boot" "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime") #(("sda6" . "vm/umounted.png") "16 GB [16 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" "") #(("sda7" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda8" . "vm/partition.png") "257 GB" "" "" "") #(("sda9" . "vm/umounted.png") "73 GB [73 GB]" ("SWAPFS" . "vm/caution.png") "" ""))) #("LVM" "" "") (#(("alt" . "vm/partition.png") "293 GB" "" "" "") (#(("althomevol" . "vm/umounted.png") "225 GB [225 GB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/home" "nosuid,relatime") #(("altmainvol" . "vm/umounted.png") "29 GB [29 GB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/" "relatime") #(("altvarvol" . "vm/umounted.png") "39 GB [39 GB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/var" "nosuid,relatime"))) #("RAID" "" ""))) ("/evms/tree/LVM/alt" language ("en_US") action ops) ;answer: ((op-vg-expand . #t) (op-vg-shrink . #f) (op-vg-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "read" control assigned) ;answer: ("/evms/control" assigned ("/home" "/" "/var" "/boot")) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "read" control checkgpt) ;answer: ("/evms/control" checkgpt #f) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "read" control postponed) ;answer: ("/evms/control" postponed ()) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "read" control pending) ;answer: ("/evms/control" pending (("sda" disk (kill-sectors)) ("sda" disk (kill-sectors)) ("sda" disk (kill-sectors)) ("sda" disk (kill-sectors)) ("sda" disk (kill-sectors)) ("sda" disk (kill-sectors)) ("sda" disk (kill-sectors)) ("sda" disk (kill-sectors)) ("sda" disk (kill-sectors)) ("sda" disk (kill-sectors)) ("/dev/evms/sda1" volume (delete)) ("/dev/evms/sda2" volume (delete)) ("/dev/evms/sda5" volume (delete)) ("sda1" segment (delete)) ("sda2" segment (delete)) ("sda5" segment (delete)) ("sda_mbr" segment (dirty)) ("sda_ebr0" segment (dirty)) ("sda5" segment (activate)) ("sda_ebr1" segment (dirty)) ("sda6" segment (activate)) ("sda_ebr5" segment (dirty)) ("sda10" segment (activate)) ("sda_ebr2" segment (dirty)) ("sda7" segment (activate)) ("sda_ebr3" segment (dirty)) ("sda8" segment (activate)) ("sda_ebr4" segment (dirty)) ("sda9" segment (activate)) ("lvm2/alt" container (dirty)) ("lvm2/alt/althomevol" region (activate dirty)) ("lvm2/alt/altmainvol" region (activate dirty)) ("lvm2/alt/altvarvol" region (activate dirty)) ("/dev/evms/lvm2/alt/althomevol" volume (mkfs activate)) ("/dev/evms/lvm2/alt/altmainvol" volume (mkfs activate)) ("/dev/evms/lvm2/alt/altvarvol" volume (mkfs activate)) ("/dev/evms/sda5" volume (mkfs activate)) ("/dev/evms/sda6" volume (mkfs activate)) ("/dev/evms/sda9" volume (mkfs activate)))) ("/evms/control" language ("en_US") action "write" control commit)