# pamtester login test authenticate DEBUG:pam_config.c:454: Invalid CRL policy: subject DEBUG:pam_pkcs11.c:781: explicit username = [test] DEBUG:pam_pkcs11.c:312: loading pkcs #11 module... DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1039: PKCS #11 module = [/usr/lib64/librtpkcs11ecp.so] DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1055: module permissions: uid = 0, gid = 0, mode = 644 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1065: loading module /usr/lib64/librtpkcs11ecp.so DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1073: getting function list DEBUG:pam_pkcs11.c:330: initializing pkcs #11 module... DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1281: module information: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1282: - version: 2.20 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1283: - manufacturer: Aktiv Co. DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1284: - flags: 0000 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1285: - library description: Rutoken ECP PKCS #11 library DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1286: - library version: 2.1 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1153: number of slots (a): 15 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1176: number of slots (b): 15 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 1: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: Generic CCID Reader 00 00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0007 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1216: - token: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1222: - label: Рутокен ЭЦП 2.0 3000 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1223: - manufacturer: Aktiv Co. DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1224: - model: Rutoken ECP DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1225: - serial: 3c6c8371 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1226: - flags: 88040d DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 2: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 3: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 4: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 5: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 6: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 7: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 8: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 9: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 10: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 11: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 12: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 13: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 14: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1191: slot 15: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1201: - description: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1202: - manufacturer: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1203: - flags: 0006 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1204: - HW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1205: - FW version: 00.00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1512: opening a new RO PKCS #11 session for slot 1 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1523: C_OpenSession flags: 0x00000004 DEBUG:lowlevel_mgr.c:196: No use_lowlevel entry found in config Добро пожаловать, ! Введите PIN-код токена Токен: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1542: login as user CKU_USER DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1793: Saving Certificate #1: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1795: - type: 00 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1796: - id: 45 DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1828: Found 1 certificates in token DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:172: Retrieveing mapper module list DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:73: Loading static module for mapper 'digest' DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:196: Inserting mapper [digest] into list DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:73: Loading static module for mapper 'cn' DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:196: Inserting mapper [cn] into list DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:73: Loading static module for mapper 'pwent' DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:196: Inserting mapper [pwent] into list DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:73: Loading static module for mapper 'uid' DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:196: Inserting mapper [uid] into list DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:73: Loading static module for mapper 'mail' DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:196: Inserting mapper [mail] into list DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:73: Loading static module for mapper 'subject' DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:196: Inserting mapper [subject] into list DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:73: Loading static module for mapper 'null' DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:196: Inserting mapper [null] into list DEBUG:pam_pkcs11.c:910: verifying the certificate #1 DEBUG:cert_vfy.c:464: Neither CA nor CRL check requested. CertVrfy() skipped DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:324: Mapper module digest match() returns 0 DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:324: Mapper module cn match() returns -1 DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:331: Error in module cn DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:324: Mapper module pwent match() returns -1 DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:331: Error in module pwent DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:324: Mapper module uid match() returns -1 DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:331: Error in module uid DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:324: Mapper module mail match() returns 0 DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:324: Mapper module subject match() returns 0 DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:324: Mapper module null match() returns 0 DEBUG:pam_pkcs11.c:982: certificate is valid but does not match the user ERROR:pam_pkcs11.c:994: no valid certificate which meets all requirements found Ошибка 2336: нет подходящего сертификата DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:213: unloading mapper module list DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:137: calling mapper_module_end() digest DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:148: Module digest is static: don't remove DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:137: calling mapper_module_end() cn DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:148: Module cn is static: don't remove DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:137: calling mapper_module_end() pwent DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:148: Module pwent is static: don't remove DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:137: calling mapper_module_end() uid DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:148: Module uid is static: don't remove DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:137: calling mapper_module_end() mail DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:148: Module mail is static: don't remove DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:137: calling mapper_module_end() subject DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:148: Module subject is static: don't remove DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:137: calling mapper_module_end() null DEBUG:mapper_mgr.c:148: Module null is static: don't remove DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1659: logout user DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1666: closing the PKCS #11 session DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:1672: releasing keys and certificates Аутентификация по токену отменена pamtester: Сбой при проверке подлинности