The only thing we can be reasonably sure about the future is that even if it won't get any better, it will definitely be bigger. -- Multi-Disk HOWTO ...
11 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
4317 CLOS FIXE blo Sisyphus console- imz shrek Русские символы на 12 консоле отображаются крокозябрами
3569 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus console- avn wrar Error in ruwin_ct_sh-CP1251.kmap.gz
3534 CLOS WORK maj Sisyphus console- imz inger move to kbd
31 CLOS FIXE min Sisyphus console- imz nidd keytable initscript redirects all its output to a wrong place (the physical console)
67 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus console- imz vanyaz Add Ctrl+Any Shift swith between rus/lat for those who are used to the left one
705 CLOS FIXE maj Sisyphus console- imz taf При переключении в текстовой консоли на русскую раскладку невозможно ввести знак вопроса \'?\'
1638 CLOS FIXE maj Sisyphus console- imz mike \'ru in ua\' keyboard layouts configuration a bit broken
2778 CLOS WONT min Sisyphus console- imz ildar файл pt154.acm подпакета console-data-cyrillic-0.0.7 ..
848 CLOS FIXE min Sisyphus console- ldv vanyaz rpm thinks it requires compat-cpp
2782 CLOS WONT enh Sisyphus console- imz vanyaz use cp1251.acm from console-data-cyrillic?
5587 CLOS FIXE blo Sisyphus console- imz rider openvt -w не ждет окончания процесса

File a new bug in the "console-tools" component of the "Sisyphus" product