it recursed nicely, I cursed not so nicely ...
12 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
3536 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus ncurses george ldv ncurses: new version
4889 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus ncurses george mouse support for x86_64
9487 CLOS WORK nor Sisyphus ncurses george evseev When xterm with ncurses-based application under root privs is closed by [+], this application still working and eats all CPU
30312 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus ncurses george lav Добавить pc-файлы в libncursesw-devel
35555 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus ncurses george bircoph move screen-256color* to the terminfo package
128 CLOS FIXE maj Sisyphus ncurses george andrey.brindeew Не собирается из SRPM\'а - давняя история :-(
1076 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus ncurses george vanyaz redistribute the contents of the pkg among other ones
1878 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus ncurses george mike ncurses: wrong deps?
2827 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus ncurses george sbolshakov variative build tweaks
44811 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus ncurses george ancieg Please build and package --with-abi-version=6 libraries
46433 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus ncurses george abslike Outdated version of package / Устаревшая версия пакета. Update Request / Запрос обновления
49878 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus ncurses george vercha Вывод в stdout с переопределением спецсимволов в консоли "ломает" шрифты

File a new bug in the "ncurses" component of the "Sisyphus" product