We need to create governance policies and guidelines, so that the energy of the community does not get spent on disagreement rather than constructive collaboration. -- Mark Shuttleworth in sounder@ ...
6 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
5085 NEW --- enh Sisyphus kernel-i vt george All kernel images have one name
6010 ASSI --- enh Sisyphus rpm-buil placeholder zerg макрос для сравнения версий
15605 CLOS WONT blo ALT Linu installe boyarsh imz lilo needs static-BIOS-codes in case of hdb installation
5969 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus filesyst placeholder rider [6.0] Доступ на чтение/выполнение к /lib/modules/
14814 CLOS WONT enh Sisyphus alterato inger mike [FR] orthogonal keyboard layout setup
1775 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus installe nobody mike [FR] one more summarizing feature request from community@