The calice reconstruction software is currently manged with the stupid content tracker (git). It allows to easily mess with different branches of the software and destroy your day-work in one blink. ...
7 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
48656 NEW --- maj Regular gnome3 antohami Skinxedovich opentabletdriver конфликтует с wacom-gnome
48834 NEW --- nor Regular gnome3 antohami oleg Настройки GNOME панель "Пользователи", ошибка при удалении пользователя
49707 NEW --- nor Regular gnome3 antohami ko.belinsky Gamescope
50563 NEW --- nor Regular gnome3 antohami iam dist-upgrade: Error while running transaction (file /usr/bin/dbus-send conflicts between ...)
47988 ASSI --- nor Regular gnome3 antohami oleg Ревизия набора предустановленного программного обеспечения ALT Regular Gnome
49741 ASSI --- nor Regular gnome3 antohami iqqator Не верный список языков в меню Языки редактора
49279 REOP --- cri Regular gnome3 antohami eremeev.1998 Нет звука на ноутбуке huawei mate d15 (BOM-WXX9)

File a new bug in the "gnome3" component of the "Regular" product