He had encouraged attendees at that presentation to continue their research in finding vulnerabilities, and someone from Redmond had called the White House to complain. ...
7 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
12232 NEW --- nor Sisyphus installe boyarsh mike [4.1] warn on "cpio: read failed - Input/output error" please
15075 NEW --- nor ПСПО bugs nobody cas [META] Баги по ПСПО
19564 NEW --- nor ALT Linu bugs ldv cas [META] Ошибки по ALT Linux 5.0 Ark
22919 ASSI --- nor Branch p cross-co boyarsh cas [META] Ошибки по комплекту Альт Линукс 5.0 Школьный
12100 CLOS WORK nor Branch 4 cross-co boyarsh mike [META] Desktop 4.0.3+ release blocker
14168 CLOS FIXE enh Branch 4 cross-co ldv mike [META] FR for Server 4.0.2+
23356 CLOS FIXE nor Школьный installe boyarsh adminden2007 Критическая ошибка установки на компьютере с 8Гб ОЗУ.