Actually, the panic() function call of the Linux kernel is prone to a buffer overflow vulnerability. ...
5 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
21832 CLOS DUPL nor Sisyphus seamonke cas imz crashes when opening an .xpi link
21898 CLOS DUPL nor Sisyphus seamonke cas imz crashes on this http://....txt
22036 CLOS DUPL nor Sisyphus seamonke cas imz crashes on
22107 CLOS DUPL nor Sisyphus seamonke cas imz crashes on URLs pointing at .iso
22522 CLOS DUPL nor Sisyphus seamonke cas imz crashes on this site (

File a new bug in the "seamonkey" component of the "Sisyphus" product