Unit tests are a good thing. Good developers recoil in horror when they see a failing unit test. They should drop everything until the test has been fixed. ...
8 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
23014 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus fdisk legion mike [FR] fdisk update
23848 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus libevms mcpain mike fixup for 4k sector disks and SSDs needed
32679 CLOS FIXE maj Sisyphus alterato mcpain mike GPT-разделы тоже надо выравнивать на границу мегабайта
24005 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus gparted mike wrar Не работает нормально с 4К-устройствами
26925 CLOS FIXE maj Sisyphus alterato mike asy Неправильно выравниваются логические разделы на hdd c 4K сектором
23020 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus hdparm placeholder mike [FR] update to 9.12 or newer
23016 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus parted rider mike [FR] update to 2.1 or newer
23017 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus xfsprogs rider mike [FR] update to 3.1.1 or newer

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