Yes its ugly but its consistent with the rest. -- Marcelo Tosatti ...
8 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
49933 NEW --- nor Sisyphus perl-Fut crux lav perl(Test/Builder/ is needed by (installed) perl-Future-0.50-alt1.noarch
49936 NEW --- nor Sisyphus opm-core lav lav perl(Test/ is needed by (installed) opm-core-2.3-alt2.noarch
49935 NEW --- nor Sisyphus public-i legion lav perl(Test/ is needed by public-inbox-
49929 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rex naf lav perl(Test/Builder/ is needed by (installed) rex-1.14.3-alt2.noarch
49930 NEW --- nor Sisyphus perl-SQL viy lav perl(Test/ is needed by (installed) perl-SQL-Abstract-2.000001-alt1.noarch
49934 NEW --- nor Sisyphus perl-Per viy lav perl(Test/Builder/ is needed by (installed) perl-Perl-Tags-0.32-alt2.noarch
49928 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus shutter toni lav perl-devel is needed by (installed) shutter-0.99.4-alt1.noarch
49931 CLOS DUPL nor Sisyphus perl-SQL viy lav perl(Test/ is needed by (installed) perl-SQL-Abstract-2.000001-alt1.noarch

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