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42 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
25479 NEW --- blo Sisyphus ufraw aris alecs ufraw crashes on open nef or cr2
34664 NEW --- maj Sisyphus weston aris ildar crashes on starting Firefox
24833 NEW --- maj Sisyphus pidgin arseny ildar crash during Audio Call
23724 NEW --- cri Школьный installe boyarsh imz testing X is a dead-end on ATI rage mobility p/m agp 2x
26660 NEW --- nor Branch p gdm2.20 cas imz unreadble Russian error dialog in console
26661 NEW --- nor Branch p xinitrc cas imz unreadble Russian error dialog in console
33181 NEW --- cri Branch p libfreet cas imz firefox crashes on some pages with libfreetype-infinality-2.4.11-alt6.M70P.2
34873 NEW --- nor Branch p xorg-ser cas vadval15 Blender не запускается
35235 NEW --- maj Branch p gnome-sc cas ildar crash
36928 NEW --- nor Branch p openshot cas ivk1097 ошибка сегментации при запуске
26293 NEW --- cri Sisyphus libreoff george alecs libreoffice crashes on some docs and pps or odts
35104 NEW --- nor Sisyphus libgs george ildar [CRASH] opening EPS
37538 NEW --- nor Sisyphus gcc9 glebfm iv ICE (Segmentation fault) in mips_split_move
34234 NEW --- nor Sisyphus ltrace grenka imz segfault with -x *
29500 NEW --- cri Sisyphus texlive- kirill imz luatex and xetex crash because of version mismatch with zlib
32566 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alterato mcpain imz "I/O error" when re-running livecd-install after a crash
22505 NEW --- nor Branch 5 vim-X11- nobody imz crashes because of the set of available fonts
30638 NEW --- cri Branch t pdnsd nobody imz crashes during work because no libgcc_s in /var/empty
32973 NEW --- maj Sisyphus gkrellm- oddity ildar crash on AC on
27226 NEW --- maj Sisyphus gtkpod shaba imz crashes when importing a folder
22222 NEW --- nor Sisyphus xorg-ser shrek slazav xorg server crashes on drawing line with sertain form and type by libX11
26814 NEW --- nor Sisyphus xorg-drv shrek cas При воспроизведении любого видео завершается сеанс
33967 NEW --- nor Sisyphus xorg-ser shrek ildar xsetroot crashes X
26798 NEW --- nor Sisyphus kde4webd zerg viy kommander crashes with 3gpconverter.kmdr script
50521 NEW --- nor Sisyphus xfreerdp cas _taurus_ xfreerdp не работает с внешней библиотекой libjcPKCS11-2.so для смарт-карт Jacarta
41309 NEW --- nor Sisyphus aptitude glebfm annschafer Ошибка сегментирования aptitude
41091 NEW --- nor Sisyphus icebreak mike kuhtinov_ev Не видит ресурсы
49937 NEW --- cri Sisyphus firefox- pav nekapitan2009 Вот такая задница с падением firefox при старте. Обновил систему.
40501 NEW --- min Sisyphus git placeholder imz crash in git format-patch --output with multiple commits (due to double free)
50643 NEW --- maj Sisyphus xfdeskto sem iv xfdesktop crashes on start when icons are turned off
50608 NEW --- min Branch p crash vt zakharovyarr kernel version inconsistency between vmlinux and dumpfile
25136 ASSI --- nor Branch 5 mplayer ender apmolotkov Отсутствует звук при проигрывании видеофайлов с аудиокодеком AAC.
27244 ASSI --- maj Sisyphus emacs24- evg kirill emacs hangs in server mode
19717 ASSI --- maj Sisyphus meritous george erthad the game crashes
31210 ASSI --- cri Sisyphus mate-pow shrek ildar just crashes (mate-power-manager)
18149 REOP --- cri Sisyphus epiphany aris imz crashes on start
33616 REOP --- maj Branch p ejabberd cas for_robot Ejabberd не работает с mysql базой.
37814 REOP --- nor Sisyphus alterato sem sem "Центр управления", "Брандмауэр", "Перенаправление портов" - окно закрывается
46927 REOP --- maj Branch p udisks2 aris pikone Error getting 'loopX' information
43622 REOP --- nor Sisyphus systemd shaba obidinog systemd-oomd убивает сессию при полной загруженности памяти
40507 REOP --- nor Branch p mplayer vseleznv vercha MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM при попытке воспроизвести avi, m4v, flv, swf
47725 REOP --- nor Sisyphus yandex-b yabro oleg Медленная работа браузера в сессии Wayland