Сизиф не стаблиен и не нестабилен, просто он имеет свою аудиторию. (at@ в sisyphus@) ...
8 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
39117 NEW --- maj Sisyphus bash placeholder vt bash --rpm-requires: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
36844 NEW --- nor Sisyphus bash placeholder McPain2 Неверный перевод
32156 NEW --- nor Sisyphus bash placeholder imz bash --rpm-requires doesn't go into command substitution
32110 NEW --- nor Sisyphus bash placeholder imz bash --rpm-requires fails on the syntax of shopt -s extglob
45701 NEW --- nor Sisyphus bash placeholder svdan2009 Единые настройки по умолчанию для bash
33820 NEW --- min Sisyphus bash placeholder imz [ and [[ behave differently with -eq
38769 NEW --- min Sisyphus bash placeholder imz segfault when closing stdin
49803 NEW --- enh Sisyphus bash placeholder kiav1976 Нет поддержки переадресаций на устройства /dev/<tcp|udp>/host/port

File a new bug in the "bash" component of the "Sisyphus" product