Because SGI actually knows something about building user interfaces, and about making it possible to administer a machine without being a member of the technological priesthood. -- ...
6 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
31872 NEW --- min Sisyphus bind placeholder asy Repocops's test fail: lsb init header missing and lwresd.service is not present
29572 ASSI --- enh Sisyphus bind placeholder asy [DNS Amplification Attacks] настройки по-умолчанию
15797 NEW --- enh Sisyphus bind placeholder boris Поддержка хранения зон в mysql
14692 NEW --- enh Sisyphus bind placeholder hiddenman Перенести файлы конфигурации в /etc и использовать update_chrooted
39440 NEW --- maj Sisyphus bind slev sin MS DNS RFC 2845 violation (samba and windows compatibility)
50750 NEW --- nor Sisyphus bind slev zurabishvilinn Samba-4.20.1 BIND9_DLZ c bind-9.18.27-alt1 не запускается сервис bind

File a new bug in the "bind" component of the "Sisyphus" product