It is a book about a Spanish guy called Manual. You should read it. -- Dilbert ...
6 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
32980 NEW --- enh Sisyphus mkimage- antohami imz if the system is installed on LVM, the system won't boot
35522 NEW --- nor Sisyphus mkimage- antohami shaba нужно стандартизировать isoinfo
52631 NEW --- nor Sisyphus mkimage- antohami zvn_mail неправильное формирование initcpio
46371 ASSI --- enh Sisyphus mkimage- antohami antohami Перевести фичу net-eth на использование имён ether вместо eth
49964 ASSI --- nor Sisyphus mkimage- antohami alexvk72 Firefox попадает в сборку Simply Linux
26300 REOP --- nor Sisyphus mkimage- antohami mike [META] mkimage-profiles et al

File a new bug in the "mkimage-profiles" component of the "Sisyphus" product