The calice reconstruction software is currently manged with the stupid content tracker (git). It allows to easily mess with different branches of the software and destroy your day-work in one blink. ...
4 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
37540 NEW --- nor Sisyphus modem-ma cas ruslandh munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer
46059 NEW --- nor Sisyphus modem-ma cas varaksaaa modem-manager-gui: добавление и сразу удаление добавленного соединения обрабатывается неправильно
46060 NEW --- nor Sisyphus modem-ma cas varaksaaa modem-manager-gui: иконка в трее отображается только на Education и Education (KDE)
46102 NEW --- nor Sisyphus modem-ma cas varaksaaa modem-manager-gui: Отображается неправильное время получения SMS

File a new bug in the "modem-manager-gui" component of the "Sisyphus" product