The only thing we can be reasonably sure about the future is that even if it won't get any better, it will definitely be bigger. -- Multi-Disk HOWTO ...
10 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
51911 NEW --- nor Sisyphus service placeholder bircoph Некорректно определяется статус демона: перепутываются /usr/bin и /bin при проверке по пути файла
31738 NEW --- enh Sisyphus service placeholder evg [PATCH] добавить поддержку непакетных сервисов
29104 NEW --- nor Sisyphus service placeholder icesik добавить в template lsb заголовок
30306 NEW --- nor Sisyphus service placeholder ildar status args translation
32578 NEW --- enh Sisyphus service placeholder imz FR: supply a default simple implementation if condrestart is missing in init-script
11359 REOP --- maj Sisyphus service placeholder rider Нет зависимости на su
28526 NEW --- nor Sisyphus service placeholder shaba миграция на distribution-agnostic конфиги
42159 NEW --- nor Sisyphus service placeholder vt Support for systemd template units for {post,preun}_service
28704 NEW --- enh Sisyphus service placeholder zerg Добавить firetrigger для включения сервисов.
28705 NEW --- nor Sisyphus service placeholder zerg Убрать из %post_service поддержку systemd

File a new bug in the "service" component of the "Sisyphus" product