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8 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
11239 NEW --- nor Sisyphus squid shaba liks Squid user is not in winbind group
32499 NEW --- nor Sisyphus squid shaba gbIMoBou squid не работает в альт-контейнере LXC
35554 NEW --- enh Sisyphus squid shaba asy Выделить squid-helpers-samba из helpers
50908 NEW --- nor Sisyphus squid egori knaz-san SECURITY ALERT: Host header forgery detected on conn local= remote= FD flags= (local IP does not match any domain IP)
41562 NEW --- nor Sisyphus squid shaba asy 4.15-alt1: invalid error detail name: SQUID_TLS_ERR_ACCEPT
48045 NEW --- nor Sisyphus squid shaba andrew ERROR: ... Unknown authentication scheme 'ntlm'.
14629 ASSI --- enh Sisyphus squid shaba skompan file descriptor limits
22899 ASSI --- nor Sisyphus squid shaba erthad неверно работает логирование в syslog

File a new bug in the "squid" component of the "Sisyphus" product