When planets run around in circles we say they are orbiting - when people do it we say they are crazy... ...
5 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
28212 NEW --- maj Sisyphus udisks2 aris slava Перестало работать автомонтирование в Gnome 3 - Nautilus - Cinnamon - Nemo ...
30913 NEW --- nor Sisyphus udisks2 aris sunny0sergey Вероятно, излишняя зависимость на mdadm
36155 NEW --- enh Sisyphus udisks2 aris nbr no way to provide own default options on mount removable drives
36819 NEW --- cri Sisyphus udisks2 aris zxwarior Не wheel user монтирует флешки
27536 REOP --- maj Sisyphus udisks2 aris serpiph Разное поведение при монтировании

File a new bug in the "udisks2" component of the "Sisyphus" product