Есть три прискорбные и неуничтожимые вещи в нашей жизни - смерть, налоги и ламеры. -- Victor Forsyuk в linux-list@ ...
9 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
15715 NEW --- enh ALT Linu usabilit boyarsh kolyan-ufalug 1) use a *dm which lists users; 2) autologin
17166 NEW --- nor ALT Linu usabilit boyarsh imz The popular simple "ftp" client is missing
17199 NEW --- enh ALT Linu usabilit boyarsh imz include skipstone as the lightest browser
17427 NEW --- cri ALT Linu usabilit boyarsh imz ужасные шрифты: запятая, Firefox
17428 NEW --- cri ALT Linu usabilit boyarsh imz ужасные шрифты: n/u/m, Firefox
17673 NEW --- cri ALT Linu usabilit boyarsh imz no way to watch the GNU video in the browser
17824 NEW --- maj ALT Linu usabilit boyarsh imz has no char selector
19160 NEW --- enh ALT Linu usabilit boyarsh imz ssh-agent for X sessions
19303 NEW --- nor ALT Linu usabilit boyarsh imz firefox doesn't know how to open TIFF Image