Если отложить работу надолго, то ее либо сделают другие, либо она вообще перестанет быть нужной. -- Valery Shishkov в fido7.ru.linux ...
33 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
7742 CLOS NOTA maj Sisyphus bash placeholder ilya.kasnacheev /bin/sh сбрасывает привилегии, что мешает работать setgid программам, порождающим потомков
39117 NEW --- maj Sisyphus bash placeholder vt bash --rpm-requires: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
665 CLOS NOTA maj Sisyphus bash placeholder vanyaz read builtin doesn\'t work if its input comes from a pipe
4281 CLOS NOTA maj Sisyphus bash placeholder vsu ulimit -H does not change soft limit
7475 RESO LATE nor Sisyphus bash placeholder at "source" does not work in conjunction with "process substitution"
24205 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus bash placeholder viy --norc option does not work for bash invoked as bash.
3009 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus bash placeholder at /etc/bashrc check for bash is ambiguous
7610 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus bash placeholder at Unable to feed "trap -p" output into a pipe
32156 NEW --- nor Sisyphus bash placeholder imz bash --rpm-requires doesn't go into command substitution
32110 NEW --- nor Sisyphus bash placeholder imz bash --rpm-requires fails on the syntax of shopt -s extglob
31399 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus bash placeholder shaba bash4 как основной shell в системе
6082 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus bash placeholder mouse compilation fix
7486 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus bash placeholder at exit handler not executed on syntax errors
7671 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus bash placeholder at internal line numbering is screwed in subshell
7727 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus bash placeholder legion man-page mistake
45701 NEW --- nor Sisyphus bash placeholder svdan2009 Единые настройки по умолчанию для bash
32379 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus bash placeholder lav Зависает bash
36844 NEW --- nor Sisyphus bash placeholder McPain2 Неверный перевод
49267 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus bash placeholder ajratma Неправильная работа команды "cd //"
5299 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus bash placeholder victork переменная IFS не переназначается в стандарнтые <space><tab><newline>
7709 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus bash legion kopilo4ka при отсутствии файлов в дир. неверно распознается "*"
663 CLOS FIXE min Sisyphus bash placeholder vanyaz $f is set in interactive not-login Bash
33820 NEW --- min Sisyphus bash placeholder imz [ and [[ behave differently with -eq
2410 CLOS FIXE min Sisyphus bash placeholder vanyaz does not change the title of an Eterm according to the current dir
1093 CLOS NOTA min Sisyphus bash imz vanyaz interactivity decision doesn\'t conform to doc
8383 CLOS FIXE min Sisyphus bash placeholder php-coder man bash: сбилось форматирование
38769 NEW --- min Sisyphus bash placeholder imz segfault when closing stdin
176 CLOS NOTA min Sisyphus bash imz mike поведение функции read расходится с документацией
23392 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus bash placeholder evg [FR] Обновить версию
46887 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus bash glebfm arseny bash5
4641 CLOS WONT enh Sisyphus bash placeholder master new ask command - often used
8227 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus bash placeholder lav Добавить alias для su-
49803 NEW --- enh Sisyphus bash placeholder kiav1976 Нет поддержки переадресаций на устройства /dev/<tcp|udp>/host/port

File a new bug in the "bash" component of the "Sisyphus" product