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5 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
33848 CLOS FIXE maj Sisyphus connman manowar mike connman 1.35 не заполняет /etc/resolv.conf из DHCP
30147 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus connman mike mike lacks systemd unit file
30263 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus connman mike shaba добавить Provides: network-config-subsystem
30390 CLOS WORK nor Sisyphus connman nobody mike connmand segfaults for no good reason
33832 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus connman shaba mike [cve] нужен connman 1.35

File a new bug in the "connman" component of the "Sisyphus" product