Во времена Хрущёва экономика оказалась на краю пропасти, но с тех пор она далеко шагнула. ...
3 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
5388 CLOS FIXE min Sisyphus gftp-gtk pv wrar Invalid menufile
5633 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus gftp-gtk pv evseev remote_charset in gftprc is incorrectly applied to local files
5751 CLOS WONT nor Sisyphus gftp-gtk pv evseev gftp-gtk incorrectly uses UTF-8 for printing to status panel and to console

File a new bug in the "gftp-gtk" component of the "Sisyphus" product