This strategy is commonly used in exokernels (do you remember I forgot them?) ...
3 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
22603 NEW --- maj Sisyphus kernel-c vsu slava конфликт драйверов comedi с SAA7146 в ядрах 2.6.30
28209 NEW --- enh Sisyphus kernel-c vsu slava Патч для поддержки вебкамер KYE Systems Corp. (Mouse Systems) Genius Look 1320 V2
38453 NEW --- nor Sisyphus kernel-c vsu slava Отключается SPDIF во время просмотра видео (hda-intel)

File a new bug in the "kernel-complete-std26-up" component of the "Sisyphus" product