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6 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
20136 NEW --- nor Sisyphus mutt glebfm stanv Падает при нажатии Shift-R
27353 NEW --- nor Sisyphus mutt glebfm viy mutt depends on ~/tmp
31030 NEW --- nor Sisyphus mutt glebfm mithraen Trash folder и purge message патчи
36302 NEW --- nor Sisyphus mutt glebfm aen Обновить mutt
39372 NEW --- nor Sisyphus mutt glebfm vseleznv please update mutt
688 ASSI --- min Sisyphus mutt glebfm vsu wrong new message count

File a new bug in the "mutt" component of the "Sisyphus" product