It's hard to come up with a hardware quirk that's so nonsensical that there isn't hardware that manages to have it. ...
9 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
35516 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus wireshar mike mike [PATCH] e2k support
31798 CLOS WORK nor Sisyphus wireshar rider stas.grumbler wireshark не работает от пользователя
29869 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus wireshar rider shaba отсутствует devel пакет
24297 CLOS FIXE blo Sisyphus wireshar rider crux CVE-2010-3445: ASN.1 BER vulnerability
20836 CLOS FIXE blo Sisyphus wireshar rider crux Multiple vulnerabilities in Wireshark:CVE-2009-2559, CVE-2009-2560, CVE-2009-2561, CVE-2009-2562, CVE-2009-2563
20134 CLOS FIXE blo Sisyphus wireshar rider crux CVE-2009-1829 PCNFSD vulnerability
19778 CLOS FIXE blo Sisyphus wireshar rider crux Multiple vulnerabilities: CVE-2009-1210, CVE-2009-1268, CVE-2009-1269
4032 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus wireshar rider okayunov Ethereal is hanging.
3520 RESO LATE enh Sisyphus wireshar rider ldv ethereal: privsep is required

File a new bug in the "wireshark-base" component of the "Sisyphus" product