But even "free speech" is not completely "free"--think about slander, yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, etc. -- Prof. Andrew S. Tannenbaum ...
45 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
14288 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv dottedmag [META] Certificates should be created by functions from cert-sh-functions
15705 NEW --- enh Sisyphus cross-co ldv imz [META] terminals should declare themselves as alternatives for /usr/bin/xvt
15831 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv vvk [META] Secure packaging Policy violations
18333 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv mike [META] power consumption/conservation issues
19420 NEW --- enh Sisyphus cross-co ldv alexander.gvozdev Введение нового раздела для пакетов.
15333 NEW --- nor Sisyphus ltsp-ser mike mike [META] LTSP implementation/support metabug
10446 NEW --- enh Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] UTF-8 support
12448 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody php-coder [META] improper License tag
14320 NEW --- enh Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] Usability
15403 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody icesik [META] Самый лучший в мире Гном!
15951 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody dottedmag [META] mobile support metabug
23155 NEW --- nor Sisyphus mkimage- boyarsh cas [META] ALT Linux 6.0 Centaurus & Co
36976 NEW --- enh Sisyphus installe boyarsh diablopc [META] Отсутствующие возможности в установщике
27685 NEW --- nor Sisyphus apt-conf glebfm cas [META] Дистрибутивы седьмой платформы (p7)
37313 NEW --- nor Sisyphus python imz lav [META] Удалить модули python2 из репозитория
23202 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv wrar IPv6 support metabug
34214 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv vseleznv [META] Воспроизводимая сборка
34231 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv vseleznv [META] Девятая платформа (p9)
36967 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv shadowsbrother Отсутствие указания уровней запуска для сервисов в init скриптах
21111 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] distro profile + installer
22555 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] metabug for prometheus2.0 bugs (https://packages.altlinux.org)
23367 NEW --- nor Sisyphus lsb nobody cas [META] Соответствие LSB 4.0
27777 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] metabug placeholder
30000 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] metabug placeholder
33000 NEW --- enh Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] Баги регулярок
45802 NEW --- enh Sisyphus cross-co asheplyakov asheplyakov Поддержка архитектуры LoongArch (lp64d ABI)
40561 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv cas [META] Десятая платформа (p10)
50121 NEW --- nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv arseny usrmerge fallout
46625 NEW --- maj Sisyphus cross-co placeholder arseny [META] Одиннадцатая платформа (p11)
15387 ASSI --- nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody dottedmag [META] Ruby apps/modules packaging policy violations
28888 ASSI --- nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv mike [META] migrate from cracklib+libpwquality to passwdqc
26300 REOP --- nor Sisyphus mkimage- antohami mike [META] mkimage-profiles et al
13268 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus cross-co icesik icesik [META] Mac hardware support
16425 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus cross-co inger inger [META] alterator platform 1.2
7371 CLOS FIXE enh Sisyphus cross-co ldv mike [META] FR for future 4.0+
9100 CLOS WORK nor Sisyphus cross-co ldv mike [META] current Sisyphus high-profile blockers
9199 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody rider [META] FR for 4.0+
16000 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody dottedmag [META] 4k sector hard disk drive support
16863 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] hardwired l10n: do you know Russian word "grabli"?
17002 CLOS WORK nor Sisyphus cross-co sbolshakov kas [META] Портирование ALT Linux Sisyphus на ARM
24100 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] metabug placeholder
26001 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] metabug placeholder
26464 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] metabug placeholder
28887 CLOS NOTA nor Sisyphus cross-co nobody mike [META] metabug placeholder
24317 CLOS FIXE nor Sisyphus xdg-util viy cas [META] Невозможно по умолчанию установить приоритет открытия файлов по MIME-типу

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