Passwords are like underwear: don't share them, hide them under your keyboard, or hang them from your monitor. Above all, change them frequently. ...
6 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
30673 NEW --- nor Branch p emacs24- cas imz execution of some scripts is broken in eshell
30680 NEW --- min Sisyphus topgit imz imz package bash-completion for topgit
30688 NEW --- enh Sisyphus topgit imz imz generate manpages for "topgit" and tg-* cmds
30720 NEW --- enh Sisyphus topgit imz imz teach topgit to populate its special ref from geartags (got from a git.alt remote)
30757 NEW --- enh Sisyphus topgit imz imz ability to specify a merge strategy for dependencies
30718 NEW --- enh Infrastr gitery ldv imz gitery doesn't allow to store topgit branches