Back to bug 23704

Who When What Removed Added
imz 2010-07-01 05:23:45 MSD Assignee silicium zerg
Product Sisyphus Branch 4.1
QA Contact qa-sisyphus qa-4.1
Component kernel-modules-alsa-std-def kdemultimedia-kmix
Version unstable unspecified
erthad 2010-07-01 12:51:45 MSD CC erthad
imz 2010-07-13 10:58:36 MSD Component kdemultimedia-kmix libalsa
Version unspecified unstable
Assignee zerg mike
Product Branch 4.1 Sisyphus
QA Contact qa-4.1 qa-sisyphus
Severity normal major
imz 2010-07-13 10:59:25 MSD Summary 1st instance of kmix doesn't see the PCM control on Intel HDA 1st instance of alsamixer/kmix doesn't see the PCM control on Intel HDA
imz 2010-07-15 19:59:32 MSD Summary 1st instance of alsamixer/kmix doesn't see the PCM control on Intel HDA 1st instance of mixer doesn't see the PCM control on Intel HDA
mike 2011-10-27 11:10:41 MSK Status NEW RESOLVED
Resolution --- WORKSFORME

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