Bug 26658

Summary: the default route is "unset" sometimes (incorrectly)
Product: Branch p6 Reporter: Ivan Zakharyaschev <imz>
Component: NetworkManagerAssignee: Mikhail Efremov <sem>
Status: CLOSED WONTFIX QA Contact: QA p6 <qa-p6>
Severity: major    
Priority: P3    
Version: не указана   
Hardware: all   
OS: Linux   
Bug Depends on:    
Bug Blocks: 22955    
Description Flags
00-nm-debug none

Description Ivan Zakharyaschev 2011-12-01 00:25:45 MSK
NetworkManager-0.8.4-alt2.M60P.1 in the live system of Simply Linux 6.0.1RC2 DVD.

This happened several times in different boots of the live system, but not always (similarly to https://bugzilla.altlinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22955 ):

after plugging in the ethernet cable (or re-plugging), the iface is set up correctly, except for the default route missing. Further replugging doesn't help:

# ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN 
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:18:f3:4e:c5:62 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
# ip route dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src 
# ps aux | fgrep dhcp
root      2188  0.0  0.0   3408   508 pts/0    S+   17:15   0:00 fgrep dhcp 
root     18011  0.0  0.0   2048   676 ?        S    Nov29   0:00 /sbin/dhcpcd -B -K -L -G -c /usr/lib/NetworkManag
# rpm -qf /usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action
# nm-online ; echo $?
# nmcli con
ИМЯ                       UUID                                   ТИП               ОБЛАСТЬ  ДЕЙСТВ. ВРЕМЕННАЯ МЕТКА           
System eth0               e0769c28-2348-c9a8-7822-25bed776b8cc   802-3-ethernet    система  Срд 30 Ноя 2011 17:21:39          
ИМЯ                       UUID                                   ТИП               ОБЛАСТЬ  ДЕЙСТВ. ВРЕМЕННАЯ МЕТКА           
# ip route dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src 
# dhcpcd -T eth0
eth0: broadcasting for a lease
eth0: offered from
# rpm -V NetworkManager 
отсутствует /var/log/NetworkManager
# nm-tool 

NetworkManager Tool

State: connected

- Device: eth0  [System eth0] --------------------------------------------------
  Type:              Wired
  Driver:            r8169
  State:             connected
  Default:           yes
  HW Address:        00:18:F3:4E:C5:62

    Carrier Detect:  yes
    Speed:           100 Mb/s

  Wired Properties
    Carrier:         on

  IPv4 Settings:
    Prefix:          24 (


# ip route dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src 

But restarting NetworkManager resolved the situation:

# service NetworkManager restart
Stopping NetworkManager service:                                                                                      [ DONE ]
Setting network parameters:                                                                                           [ DONE ]
Starting NetworkManager service:                                                                                      [ DONE ]
# ip route
default via dev eth0  proto static dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 1 
Comment 1 Ivan Zakharyaschev 2011-12-01 00:35:39 MSK
The log messages from the moment of booting (when the deafult route was present) up to the last moment before restarting NetworkManager (when the default route had been not set):

/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 2)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 40)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting connection 'System eth0'
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 4 -> 5 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 5 -> 7 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> dhcpcd started with pid 4735
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager: Setting network parameters: succeeded 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> NetworkManager (version 0.8.4) is starting... 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager: NetworkManager startup succeeded 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> VPN: loaded org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.l2tp 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> trying to start the modem manager... 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> monitoring kernel firmware directory '/lib/firmware'. 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]:    etcnet-alt: Current network profile: (none) 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Loaded plugin etcnet-alt: (c) 2008 Mikhail Efremov <sem@altlinux.org>. 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Loaded plugin keyfile: (c) 2007 - 2010 Red Hat, Inc.  To report bugs please use the NetworkManager mailing list. 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]:    etcnet-alt: Couldn't access iface directory /etc/net/ifaces/eth0 . 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]:    etcnet-alt: eth0: Readed connection "System eth0" 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> WiFi enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> WWAN enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> WiMAX enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Networking is enabled by state file 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier is OFF 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): new Ethernet device (driver: 'r8169' ifindex: 2) 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): now managed 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 1 -> 2 (reason 2) 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): bringing up device. 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): preparing device. 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 2). 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <warn> /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo: couldn't determine device driver; ignoring... 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> modem-manager is now available 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <warn> bluez error getting default adapter: No such adapter 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Trying to start the supplicant... 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <warn> bluez error getting default adapter: No such adapter 
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> bound
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   address
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   prefix 24 (
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   gateway
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   nameserver ''
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Scheduling stage 5
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Done scheduling stage 5
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:44 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): writing resolv.conf to /sbin/resolvconf
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:45 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 7 -> 8 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:45 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Policy set 'System eth0' (eth0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:45 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) successful, device activated.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 10:56:45 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 12:04:07 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 12:04:09 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 13:25:19 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 13:25:21 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 13:25:38 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 13:25:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 14:14:02 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 14:14:04 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 14:14:21 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 14:14:22 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:43 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 8 -> 2 (reason 40)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:43 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 40).
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:44 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): canceled DHCP transaction, DHCP client pid 4735
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:44 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): removing resolv.conf from /sbin/resolvconf
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 2)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 40)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting connection 'System eth0'
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 4 -> 5 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 5 -> 7 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> dhcpcd started with pid 14602
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:02 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 7, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:04 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 7)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> fail
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 7 -> 9 (reason 5)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Marking connection 'System eth0' invalid.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <warn> Activation (eth0) failed.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 9 -> 3 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 0).
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): canceled DHCP transaction, DHCP client pid 14602
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:56 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 3)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:56 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 2 (reason 40)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:56 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 40).
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 2)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 40)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting connection 'System eth0'
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 4 -> 5 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 5 -> 7 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> dhcpcd started with pid 15674
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:15 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 7, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 7)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> fail
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 7 -> 9 (reason 5)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Marking connection 'System eth0' invalid.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <warn> Activation (eth0) failed.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 9 -> 3 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 0).
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 15:56:29 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): canceled DHCP transaction, DHCP client pid 15674
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:33 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 3)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:33 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 2 (reason 40)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:33 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 40).
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 2)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 40)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting connection 'System eth0'
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 4 -> 5 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 5 -> 7 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> dhcpcd started with pid 18011
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> bound
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   address
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   prefix 24 (
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   gateway
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   nameserver ''
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Scheduling stage 5
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Done scheduling stage 5
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:49 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): writing resolv.conf to /sbin/resolvconf
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:49 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 7 -> 8 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:49 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Policy set 'System eth0' (eth0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:49 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) successful, device activated.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 17:06:49 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 18:45:09 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 18:45:11 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 18:45:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 18:45:29 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 19:17:30 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 19:17:32 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 19:17:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 19:17:50 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 19:57:22 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 19:57:24 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 19:57:40 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 19:57:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 21:19:12 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 21:19:13 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 21:19:29 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 21:19:31 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 22:24:44 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 22:24:44 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 22:24:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 29 22:25:00 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 05:06:56 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed bound -> expire
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 05:06:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed expire -> bound
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 05:06:59 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   address
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 05:06:59 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   prefix 24 (
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 05:06:59 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   gateway
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 05:06:59 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   nameserver ''
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 13:02:37 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 13:02:37 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 13:02:52 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 13:02:54 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 13:56:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 13:56:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 13:56:54 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 13:56:55 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 15:55:54 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 15:55:56 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 15:56:12 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 15:56:14 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 16:40:18 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 16:40:20 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 16:40:36 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 16:40:38 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:02:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:02:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:02:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:02:59 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:06:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed bound -> expire
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed expire -> bound
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   address
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   prefix 24 (
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   gateway
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info>   nameserver ''
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:29:12 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:29:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:29:32 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:29:33 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Comment 2 Ivan Zakharyaschev 2011-12-01 00:37:01 MSK
The log messages from the moment of restarting NetworkManager:

/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> caught signal 15, shutting down normally.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <warn> quit request received, terminating...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): writing resolv.conf to /sbin/resolvconf
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> exiting (success)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager: NetworkManager shutdown succeeded
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager: Setting network parameters: succeeded
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> NetworkManager (version 0.8.4) is starting...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Read config file /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager: NetworkManager startup succeeded
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> VPN: loaded org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.l2tp
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> VPN: loaded org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> VPN: loaded org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> VPN: loaded org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> trying to start the modem manager...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> monitoring kernel firmware directory '/lib/firmware'.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]:    etcnet-alt: Current network profile: (none)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Loaded plugin etcnet-alt: (c) 2008 Mikhail Efremov <sem@altlinux.org>.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Loaded plugin keyfile: (c) 2007 - 2010 Red Hat, Inc.  To report bugs please use the NetworkManager mailing list.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]:    etcnet-alt: Couldn't access iface directory /etc/net/ifaces/eth0 .
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]:    etcnet-alt: eth0: Readed connection "System eth0"
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> WiFi enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> WWAN enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> WiMAX enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Networking is enabled by state file
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier is ON
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): new Ethernet device (driver: 'r8169' ifindex: 2)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): now managed
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 1 -> 2 (reason 2)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): preparing device.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 2).
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <warn> /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo: couldn't determine device driver; ignoring...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> modem-manager is now available
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <warn> bluez error getting default adapter: No such adapter
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting connection 'System eth0'
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 4 -> 5 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 5 -> 7 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> dhcpcd started with pid 4002
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> bound
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info>   address
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info>   prefix 24 (
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info>   gateway
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info>   nameserver ''
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Scheduling stage 5
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) scheduled...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Done scheduling stage 5
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) started...
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:47 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): writing resolv.conf to /sbin/resolvconf
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:47 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 7 -> 8 (reason 0)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:47 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Policy set 'System eth0' (eth0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:47 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) successful, device activated.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 17:54:47 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 18:11:17 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 18:11:19 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 18:11:35 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 18:11:37 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 19:55:16 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 19:55:18 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 19:55:34 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
/var/log/messages:Nov 30 19:55:36 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Comment 3 Ivan Zakharyaschev 2011-12-01 00:43:55 MSK
I see no signs of any denial to set the default route:

[root@localhost ~]# fgrep -i eth0 /var/log/messages 
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 2)
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 40)
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting connection 'System eth0'
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 4 -> 5 (reason 0)
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 5 -> 7 (reason 0)
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Nov 29 10:56:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost dhcpcd[4735]: eth0: dhcpcd 4.0.15 starting
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]:    etcnet-alt: Couldn't access iface directory /etc/net/ifaces/eth0 . 
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]:    etcnet-alt: eth0: Readed connection "System eth0" 
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier is OFF 
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): new Ethernet device (driver: 'r8169' ifindex: 2) 
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0 
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): now managed 
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 1 -> 2 (reason 2) 
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): bringing up device. 
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): preparing device. 
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 2). 
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost dhcpcd[4735]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost dhcpcd[4735]: eth0: offered from
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost dhcpcd[4735]: eth0: acknowledged from
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost dhcpcd[4735]: eth0: leased for 86400 seconds
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> bound
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) scheduled...
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) started...
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) scheduled...
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) complete.
Nov 29 10:56:42 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) started...
Nov 29 10:56:44 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): writing resolv.conf to /sbin/resolvconf
Nov 29 10:56:45 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 7 -> 8 (reason 0)
Nov 29 10:56:45 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Policy set 'System eth0' (eth0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
Nov 29 10:56:45 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) successful, device activated.
Nov 29 10:56:45 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
Nov 29 10:56:46 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Nov 29 10:56:46 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Nov 29 10:56:46 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
Nov 29 12:04:07 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 12:04:09 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 13:25:19 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 13:25:21 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 13:25:38 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 13:25:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 14:14:02 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 14:14:04 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 14:14:21 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 14:14:22 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 15:23:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 15:23:43 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 8 -> 2 (reason 40)
Nov 29 15:23:43 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 40).
Nov 29 15:23:43 localhost dhcpcd[4735]: eth0: received SIGTERM, stopping
Nov 29 15:23:43 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Withdrawing address record for on eth0.
Nov 29 15:23:43 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Nov 29 15:23:43 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Interface eth0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Nov 29 15:23:44 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): canceled DHCP transaction, DHCP client pid 4735
Nov 29 15:23:44 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): removing resolv.conf from /sbin/resolvconf
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 2)
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 40)
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting connection 'System eth0'
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 4 -> 5 (reason 0)
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 5 -> 7 (reason 0)
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost dhcpcd[14602]: eth0: dhcpcd 4.0.15 starting
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
Nov 29 15:23:46 localhost dhcpcd[14602]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Nov 29 15:24:02 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 7, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 15:24:04 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 7)
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost dhcpcd[14602]: eth0: timed out
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> fail
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) scheduled...
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) started...
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 7 -> 9 (reason 5)
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Marking connection 'System eth0' invalid.
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <warn> Activation (eth0) failed.
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) complete.
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 9 -> 3 (reason 0)
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 0).
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost dhcpcd[14602]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost dhcpcd[14602]: eth0: received SIGTERM, stopping
Nov 29 15:24:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): canceled DHCP transaction, DHCP client pid 14602
Nov 29 15:55:56 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 3)
Nov 29 15:55:56 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 2 (reason 40)
Nov 29 15:55:56 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 40).
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 2)
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 40)
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting connection 'System eth0'
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 4 -> 5 (reason 0)
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 5 -> 7 (reason 0)
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost dhcpcd[15674]: eth0: dhcpcd 4.0.15 starting
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
Nov 29 15:55:58 localhost dhcpcd[15674]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Nov 29 15:56:15 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 7, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 15:56:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 7)
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost dhcpcd[15674]: eth0: timed out
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> fail
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) scheduled...
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) started...
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 7 -> 9 (reason 5)
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Marking connection 'System eth0' invalid.
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <warn> Activation (eth0) failed.
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Timeout) complete.
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 9 -> 3 (reason 0)
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 0).
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost dhcpcd[15674]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Nov 29 15:56:28 localhost dhcpcd[15674]: eth0: received SIGTERM, stopping
Nov 29 15:56:29 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): canceled DHCP transaction, DHCP client pid 15674
Nov 29 17:06:33 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 3)
Nov 29 17:06:33 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 2 (reason 40)
Nov 29 17:06:33 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 40).
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 2)
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 40)
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting connection 'System eth0'
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 4 -> 5 (reason 0)
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 5 -> 7 (reason 0)
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: dhcpcd 4.0.15 starting
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
Nov 29 17:06:35 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: offered from
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: acknowledged from
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: leased for 86400 seconds
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> bound
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) scheduled...
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) started...
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) scheduled...
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) complete.
Nov 29 17:06:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) started...
Nov 29 17:06:49 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): writing resolv.conf to /sbin/resolvconf
Nov 29 17:06:49 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 7 -> 8 (reason 0)
Nov 29 17:06:49 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Policy set 'System eth0' (eth0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
Nov 29 17:06:49 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) successful, device activated.
Nov 29 17:06:49 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
Nov 29 18:45:09 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 18:45:11 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 18:45:28 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 18:45:29 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 19:17:30 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 19:17:32 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 19:17:48 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 19:17:50 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 19:57:22 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 19:57:24 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 19:57:40 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 19:57:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 21:19:12 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 21:19:13 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 21:19:29 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 21:19:31 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 22:24:44 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 22:24:44 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 29 22:24:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 29 22:25:00 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 05:06:48 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: renewing lease of
Nov 30 05:06:48 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: NAK: (null) from
Nov 30 05:06:52 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Withdrawing address record for on eth0.
Nov 30 05:06:52 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Nov 30 05:06:52 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Interface eth0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Nov 30 05:06:56 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed bound -> expire
Nov 30 05:06:56 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Nov 30 05:06:58 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: offered from
Nov 30 05:06:58 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: acknowledged from
Nov 30 05:06:58 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: leased for 86400 seconds
Nov 30 05:06:58 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Nov 30 05:06:58 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Nov 30 05:06:58 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
Nov 30 05:06:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed expire -> bound
Nov 30 13:02:37 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 13:02:37 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 13:02:52 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 13:02:54 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 13:56:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 13:56:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 13:56:54 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 13:56:55 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 15:55:54 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 15:55:56 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 15:56:12 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 15:56:14 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 16:40:18 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 16:40:20 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 16:40:36 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 16:40:38 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 17:02:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 17:02:41 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 17:02:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 17:02:59 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 17:06:58 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: renewing lease of
Nov 30 17:06:58 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: NAK: (null) from
Nov 30 17:06:58 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Withdrawing address record for on eth0.
Nov 30 17:06:58 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Nov 30 17:06:58 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Interface eth0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Nov 30 17:06:58 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed bound -> expire
Nov 30 17:06:59 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: offered from
Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: acknowledged from
Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: leased for 86400 seconds
Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
Nov 30 17:07:02 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed expire -> bound
Nov 30 17:28:26 localhost dhcpcd[2913]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Nov 30 17:28:26 localhost dhcpcd[2913]: eth0: offered from
Nov 30 17:29:12 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 17:29:16 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 17:29:32 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 17:29:33 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 17:54:39 localhost NetworkManager[4265]: <info> (eth0): writing resolv.conf to /sbin/resolvconf
Nov 30 17:54:43 localhost NetworkManager[3971]:    etcnet-alt: Couldn't access iface directory /etc/net/ifaces/eth0 .
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]:    etcnet-alt: eth0: Readed connection "System eth0"
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier is ON
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): new Ethernet device (driver: 'r8169' ifindex: 2)
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): now managed
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 1 -> 2 (reason 2)
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): preparing device.
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 2).
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Withdrawing address record for on eth0.
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Interface eth0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 0)
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) starting connection 'System eth0'
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 3 -> 4 (reason 0)
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 4 -> 5 (reason 0)
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 5 -> 7 (reason 0)
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost dhcpcd[18011]: eth0: received SIGTERM, stopping
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost dhcpcd[4002]: eth0: dhcpcd 4.0.15 starting
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
Nov 30 17:54:44 localhost dhcpcd[4002]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost dhcpcd[4002]: eth0: offered from
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost dhcpcd[4002]: eth0: acknowledged from
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost dhcpcd[4002]: eth0: leased for 86400 seconds
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost avahi-daemon[5014]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> bound
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) scheduled...
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) started...
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) scheduled...
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP4 Configure Get) complete.
Nov 30 17:54:46 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) started...
Nov 30 17:54:47 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): writing resolv.conf to /sbin/resolvconf
Nov 30 17:54:47 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): device state change: 7 -> 8 (reason 0)
Nov 30 17:54:47 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Policy set 'System eth0' (eth0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
Nov 30 17:54:47 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) successful, device activated.
Nov 30 17:54:47 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
Nov 30 18:11:17 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 18:11:19 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 18:11:35 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 18:11:37 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 19:55:16 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 19:55:18 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
Nov 30 19:55:34 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now OFF (device state 8, deferring action for 4 seconds)
Nov 30 19:55:36 localhost NetworkManager[3971]: <info> (eth0): carrier now ON (device state 8)
[root@localhost ~]#
Comment 4 Mikhail Efremov 2011-12-08 19:18:13 MSK
Created attachment 5251 [details]

Please put attached script into /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d and then attach
/tmp/NM_debug.log here when bug will be reproduced.
Comment 5 Mikhail Efremov 2022-08-30 15:58:24 MSK
p6 уже не поддерживается.