В пакете указана лицензия LGPL, хотя на самом деле это BSD...
У пакета такая лицензия: pam_passwdqc.8 is under the 3-clause BSD-style license as specified within the file itself. wordset_4k.c is in the public domain. The rest of the files in this package fall under the following terms: You're allowed to do whatever you like with this software (including re-distribution in source and/or binary form, with or without modification), provided that credit is given where it is due and any modified versions are marked as such. There's absolutely no warranty. Note that you don't have to re-distribute this software under these same relaxed terms. In particular, you're free to place modified versions under (L)GPL, thus disallowing further re-distribution in binary-only form. Я делаю выбор и указываю LGPL.
Является ли выбор packager'а обязательным для получателя исходников и/или собранного пакета?
Мантейнер решает, оставлять выбор лицензии получателю пакета или ограничить этот выбор.
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