Bug 1274 - Невозможно подкл��ится к detached-сессии
Summary: Невозможно подкл��ится к detached-сессии
Alias: None
Product: Sisyphus
Classification: Development
Component: screen (show other bugs)
Version: unstable
Hardware: all Linux
: P4 major
Assignee: Ivan Zakharyaschev
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Reported: 2002-09-17 17:09 MSD by Sergey Golovin
Modified: 2005-09-04 21:42 MSD (History)
0 users

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Description Sergey Golovin 2002-09-17 17:09:54 MSD
Если имеется detached-сессия, то к не  невозможно подкл��иться
с помощь� screen -r. screen  ее не \"видит\" и игнорирует опци� 
-r. Также не отрабатыва�тся опции -list и -wipe. Все это 
делалось на Spring2001, screen как \"родно \", так и с


Проверялось на двух машинах, на одно  из которых Spring2001 -
свежеустановленны . Для себя я проблему решил 
компиляцие  из исходников версии 3.9.11 со стандартными 

Comment 1 Dmitry V. Levin 2002-09-17 17:38:32 MSD
Could you check screen in Master 2.0 (or later)?
Comment 2 Dmitry V. Levin 2002-09-17 17:38:32 MSD
Could you check screen in Master 2.0 (or later)?
Comment 3 Sergey Golovin 2002-09-18 08:18:01 MSD
to ldv:
No. I havn\'t Master 2.0.
Comment 4 Sergey Golovin 2002-09-18 08:18:01 MSD
to ldv:
No. I havn\'t Master 2.0.
Comment 5 imz 2002-09-22 16:35:34 MSD
It has been fixed since screen-3.9.9-alt3:

- the default place for user\'s sockets is now ~/tmp/screen/
- Files:
  + /etc/profile.d/screen.sh thrown away (it made using screen almost

So you could throw it away, too, to get screen working and configure the place for sockets yourself.
Adding something like \"$@\" to the script (/etc/profile.d/screen.sh) which may seem to be a simple solution isn\'t good: if you call screen not from the command line, it will look for the sockets in another place and will fail.

Either screen-3.9.9-alt3 (or later) or a fixed version of the package from
Spring2001 should be placed to Spring2001-updates; the fixed version could include less changes than 3.9.9-alt3 to be as close to Spring2001\'s version as possible: it should be decided what the default place for user\'s sockets should be in the fixed package. Since there used to be no uniformity in screen\'s behaviour in Spring2001 (the location used to depend on whether it is called from a login shell or in some other way) and it used not to work at all, I suggest to use the new location that is valid since 3.9.9-alt3; and all active users of screen (who have detached session at the moment) should pay attention to this fact when upgrading.
Comment 6 imz 2002-09-22 16:35:34 MSD
It has been fixed since screen-3.9.9-alt3:

- the default place for user\'s sockets is now ~/tmp/screen/
- Files:
  + /etc/profile.d/screen.sh thrown away (it made using screen almost

So you could throw it away, too, to get screen working and configure the place for sockets yourself.
Adding something like \"$@\" to the script (/etc/profile.d/screen.sh) which may seem to be a simple solution isn\'t good: if you call screen not from the command line, it will look for the sockets in another place and will fail.

Either screen-3.9.9-alt3 (or later) or a fixed version of the package from
Spring2001 should be placed to Spring2001-updates; the fixed version could include less changes than 3.9.9-alt3 to be as close to Spring2001\'s version as possible: it should be decided what the default place for user\'s sockets should be in the fixed package. Since there used to be no uniformity in screen\'s behaviour in Spring2001 (the location used to depend on whether it is called from a login shell or in some other way) and it used not to work at all, I suggest to use the new location that is valid since 3.9.9-alt3; and all active users of screen (who have detached session at the moment) should pay attention to this fact when upgrading.
Comment 7 imz 2002-11-09 17:58:18 MSK
screen-3.9.9-alt3.i586.rpm in updates/Spring2001/
Comment 8 imz 2002-11-09 17:58:18 MSK
screen-3.9.9-alt3.i586.rpm in updates/Spring2001/