Вышел wmii 3.6 : ---------------- Greetin's, After much procrastination and sitting around on our asses, suckless has released wmii 3.6! You'll find it at http://suckless.org/download/wmii-3.6.tar.gz Changes: * New colour scheme! Yep, that's all. Hey, it worked for pokémon! ...Just kidding. We also broke fullscreen support. Okay seriously, new features since 3.5.1: * Move and resize windows with the mouse[1] * Make clients visible in multiple tags[2] * Move floating windows partially off screen * Application independent fullscreen functionality[3] * Support for the aspect ratio window hint * Support for urgent window hints[4] * Drag and drop in GTK apps and xprop support[5] [1] Resize columns by dragging the triangle dividers at the top of the screen or the [tiny] border between columns. Move/resize clients by dragging their grabbox (the box at the top left of the window). [2] Tag a client as 1+2+www and it will appear in tags 1, 2 and www. Tag it with +www and it will appear in the "www" tag in addition to what it was already tagged, or -www to remove it from the www tag. [3] MOD-f to toggle, or right click a client's title and select Fullscreen (you need MOD-f to get back). [4] Urgent hints change the colour of the client's grabbox and generate an UrgentTag event, which the default wmiirc uses to mark the tag with a *. [5] Thanks wabu! Finally, there are a couple of filesystem/wmiirc interface changes. Now, everything is similar enough that the CONFVERSION hasn't changed, so wmii-3.6 still looks in ~/.wmii-3.5, but if you've got custom scripts there's a couple of things to watch out for: * X11 window ids are now used to identify clients instead of an internal wmii id * /tag/*/ctl contains information about the focused column/client and column modes instead of just the tag name * /colrules doesn't cause new columns to be created on client creation anymore, it just specifies the % size of each column when they get created * WMII_MENU, WMII_TERM and WMII_9MENU are now quoted and need to be eval'd, so that everything still works when WMII_FONT contains spaces Alright. It's been a long time coming, and could certainly be better (see NOTES for a list of known bugs), but here we are. Let us know of any problems. -sqweek ----------------
Вот этот глюк надо побороть. https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=199553 Там теперь используется внтуренне представление строк в utf8. А вместо XmbDrawString для отрисовки используется Xutf8DrawString. Так вот, в заголовках окон и в статусбаре сейчас текст не отрисовывается.
В Сизифе аж 3.7 (похоже, что версия из VCS)
(In reply to comment #4) > В Сизифе аж 3.7 (похоже, что версия из VCS) > Нет, это какая-то pre-3.6 версия. Новый я пытался собрать когда-то взяв за основу гит at@ -- что-то так и не осилил, не помню уже что, кажется как раз пресловутое отображение кириллицы.