In uw-imap-2001a-alt6 (and probably in other versions) mailbox locking with fcntl() does not work if the mailbox file is on reiserfs - strace does not show any attempts to lock using fcntl(). However, fcntl() locking works on ext2 and ext3; I have not tried other filesystems - there may be more such problems. The problem was observed with kernel24-up-2.4.18-alt8, reiserfs 3.6. Seems that src/osdep/unix/nfstnew.c:test_nfs() considers that the mailbox is on a NFS filesystem, therefore fcntl() locking is turned off. This function tries to perform ustat() on the filesystem and checks usbuf.f_tinode; it happens that reiserfs returns -1 in this field. --- ---
According to my tests, locking works in uw-imap-2001a-alt6 on ext2, ext3, xfs, jfs and even vfat. Doesn\'t work on reiserfs-3.6. (reiserfs-3.5 test creshed, so no information yet.)
The tests have been done on 2.4.19-alt0.2-up.
I test the locking with help of the simple program (attached; it is very close to how imapd works): I set different kinds of locks and intermix this with accessing the box through imapd (trying to modify it).
no locking on reiserfs-3.5 as well (the crash I mentioned was probably caused by jfs).
waiting for the updates for released distros, then will mark it resolved. Already resolved in uw-imap-2001a-alt8 and pine-4.44L-alt4 in Sisyphus.
Should this bug be closed? Master 2.2 contains the fixed version; update for Master 2.0 was not prepared...
как я понял сейчас эта бага уже неактуальна. Нечего плодить в bugzilla закрытые блоки. Закрываю.
Да, это исправлено уже очень давно.