same as aterm-1.0.1-alt1 xterm-232-alt1 doesn't behave like this; xterm refuses to start with no DISPLAY. Does this mean that too many privileges are given to aterm? Steps to Reproduce: # In an X session started by wdm: $ unset DISPLAY $ echo $DISPLAY $ Eterm Actual Results: It starts on this display. Expected Results: Like this: $ unset DISPLAY $ xterm xterm Xt error: Can't open display: xterm: DISPLAY is not set $
Sorry: s:Eterm:aterrm: in the Steps to Reproduce.
Самый умный, #$^%#^#@.... if( display_name == NULL ) if ((display_name = getenv("DISPLAY")) == NULL) display_name = ":0"; Ну почему мне так "везёт" на говнософт? Fixed in 1.0.1-alt2.
:) спасибо, в aterm-1.0.1-alt2 всё ok.