Bug 15585 - кривые зависимости sisyphus
Summary: кривые зависимости sisyphus
Alias: None
Product: Sisyphus
Classification: Development
Component: upstart (show other bugs)
Version: unstable
Hardware: all Linux
: P2 normal
Assignee: Nobody's working on this, feel free to take it
QA Contact: qa-sisyphus
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-05-09 21:21 MSD by Yan
Modified: 2011-01-22 16:44 MSK (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:


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Description Yan 2008-05-09 21:21:39 MSD
после выполнения команды apt-get dist-upgrade пишет ошибку:
file /sbin/halt conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and
file /sbin/init conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and
file /sbin/poweroff conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3
and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /sbin/reboot conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and
file /sbin/runlevel conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3
and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /sbin/shutdown conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3
and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /sbin/telinit conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3
and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /usr/share/man/man8/halt.8.gz conflicts between attempted installs of
upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /usr/share/man/man8/poweroff.8.gz conflicts between attempted installs of
upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /usr/share/man/man8/reboot.8.gz conflicts between attempted installs of
upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /usr/share/man/man8/runlevel.8.gz conflicts between attempted installs of
upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /usr/share/man/man8/shutdown.8.gz conflicts between attempted installs of
upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and SysVinit-2.86-alt2

Actual Results:  
file /sbin/halt conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and
file /sbin/init conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and
file /sbin/poweroff conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3
and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /sbin/reboot conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and
file /sbin/runlevel conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3
and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /sbin/shutdown conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3
and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /sbin/telinit conflicts between attempted installs of upstart-0.3.9-alt3
and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /usr/share/man/man8/halt.8.gz conflicts between attempted installs of
upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /usr/share/man/man8/poweroff.8.gz conflicts between attempted installs of
upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /usr/share/man/man8/reboot.8.gz conflicts between attempted installs of
upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /usr/share/man/man8/runlevel.8.gz conflicts between attempted installs of
upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and SysVinit-2.86-alt2
file /usr/share/man/man8/shutdown.8.gz conflicts between attempted installs of
upstart-0.3.9-alt3 and SysVinit-2.86-alt2

Expected Results:  
корректное обновление дистрибутива
Comment 1 Dmitry V. Levin 2008-05-10 00:37:02 MSD
Fix component and reassign.
Comment 2 Mikhail Gusarov 2008-06-13 13:00:39 MSD

Comment 3 rlz 2008-06-23 08:24:37 MSD
SysVinit и upstart действительно не могут находиться вместе в одной системе, поскольку второй замена первому.
Comment 4 Michael Shigorin 2011-01-22 16:44:34 MSK
Или даже не замена...