checkgmail-1.13-alt1 About a month ago, it worked fine, but now it can't login. I enter a correct username and password, but it fails ("invalid username ..."). Nothing interesting is in the output: $ checkgmail Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/Crypt/ line 144. Perl exited with active threads: 1 running and unjoined 0 finished and unjoined 0 running and detached $
На сайте checkgmail написано: 401 Unauthorised Fix Gmail recently changed the login procedure, resulting in this error. To fix this issue, please use the latest version from SVN -- the easiest way to do this is to run checkgmail -update from the commandline and follow the prompts. Это не из этой серии?
Проект года 4 не обновлялся :( Некоторые ещё пользуются и успешно: Но видно, что upstream протух.
Пакета checkgmail нет в Сизифе. Из p9 тоже удаляю. 258338 BUILDING #1 [locked] [test-only] p9 del=checkgmail