etcnet-0.9.7-alt0.M41.1 "service network switchfrom PROFILE" seems to be useless. Its code is: switchfrom) [ $# -ne 2 ] && usage init_nethost init_netprofile $2 stop $* init_netprofile start $* ;; I have read the documentation and see no reason to use switchfrom instead of restart: restart) [ $# -ne 1 ] && usage init_nethost init_netprofile stop $* start $* ;; the PROFILE parameter of switchfrom seems to be superfluous: if one is bringing down the network, he is just bringing it down, no matter what the name of the old profile was. I suggest to remove switchfrom from the "public" interface of etcnet (i.e., service network) in order not to confuse people. (Perhaps, it is useful during hacking etcnet, but not during normal operation.) Or add an explanation when it can be useful.
В 4.1/branch исправления не будут вноситься уже технически (заглушена очередь на сборку), поэтому прошу ошибки, актуальные для sisyphus/p7/t7, перевесить на текущие ветки или сизиф.